Poppy's Passions

Poppy's Passions by Stephanie Beck Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Poppy's Passions by Stephanie Beck Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Beck
so often his eyes strayed to her belly.
    "Still there.” Her words were slurred but clear enough for him to smile.
    "They sure are,” he agreed. “You should sleep, sweetheart. Trevor and Cody will be over soon and you know how noisy they are."
    They were quiet a minute, the beeping of her monitors the only sound in the room. She fought the drugs and her own exhaustion. So many unknowns remained and she wasn't sure what she would face when she woke.
    "I'll be here when you wake up."
    She turned her head and wondered how he knew she wasn't sleeping.
    "I can tell,” he said with a little smile. “I spent some time pretending to sleep in hospitals. If you'll let the medication do its job and rest, I'll tell you all about it when you wake up."
    "You won't leave? Promise?"
    "I promise."
    [Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter 5
    As was the norm with the Patrich brothers, whose real name was Paraby, Poppy found herself doing things she wouldn't normally even consider. Case in point, flying first-class, in a window seat, on her way to Montana. Good to his word, Michael had been beside her bed when she woke and hadn't left. Even when the simple hospital stay turned into a three day event he remained by her side. Cody and Trevor added to the rotation during her misery, and she'd never had to be in the cold room alone.
    She'd spent the last seventy-two hours throwing up and running to the toilet, courtesy of one of the many horrid bugs that seemed to nest in hospitals. To their credit, the Parabys took it in stride. They called the nurses at first when she was ill but by day two they'd had no problem helping her themselves. Without her asking, they assisted her in the shower, helped her wash her hair, and took care of her with more determination than skill.
    The nurses were envious, her associates having no qualms about telling her how lucky she was and Poppy understood why. She knew exactly what kind of men they had to be to try so hard.
    Cody, who didn't do well with illness, did what he could, leaving the heavier things to Trevor and Michael. They didn't necessarily enjoy the tasks but didn't pass out either. Cody had done his part by remembering her favorite foods and finding the warmest, softest socks she'd ever owned at ten o'clock at night after she said her feet were cold.
    The time was also passed with long talks. She listened to each of them as they tried together and individually to convince her to come to the ranch. For now it was a visit, a couple weeks to get to know them better. The babies deserved to know their father's home, didn't they? Michael had driven in that point.
    Cody was quick to point out that he and his brothers were the reason behind her fatigue and injury, though she refused to lay blame on anyone but the shooter himself. The pregnancy was something she was happy to endure but when he brought up backrubs, long baths and chocolate chip cookies, he'd snagged her attention.
    Of course, Trevor's promise to fuck like bunnies had some sway of its own.
    Only two other passengers were flying first-class, both of them sleeping toward the front, so it was quiet, and Poppy needed quiet to think. Three men. How was she supposed to pick one? The past four months hadn't diminished the way she felt about them. They were good men, wonderful men, and she loved being around them. There was no doubt in her mind she would love one if she chose, but what about the other two?
    She'd never felt she inspired jealousy but between these specific brothers, she thought it could happen. They might be fine sharing her, but it would stop, of course, after she chose one, and she knew she had to choose one. How else could they make anything work, especially with kids? Kids needed a mom and a dad ideally. More than one of either in the same house didn't seem like it could work, and she wasn't going to subjugate her kids to a socially objectionable lifestyle just because she liked sex with three men. If all three never found

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