Power Trip: Double Helix, Book 1

Power Trip: Double Helix, Book 1 by Miranda Baker Read Free Book Online

Book: Power Trip: Double Helix, Book 1 by Miranda Baker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Miranda Baker
shook his head. “No, but I have to control myself, which isn’t easy considering I haven’t touched a woman on purpose in at least fifteen years. Your skin is so soft it makes me dizzy. Hungry. And violent.”
    She licked her lips, and he thought of kissing her. Her mouth looked soft. Her full lips were a natural dark pink and he could tell from the way her face creased when she smiled that it was something she did often. His eyes dropped to her breasts, round and full beneath her cotton top, her slim waist, her full hips, that plump ass he couldn’t wait to mark with his whip. Impatience and desire tinged his vision with blue sparks. He couldn’t kiss her, not now, but if their session went well and her vitals were strong…
    He fought the swirling mass of energy back into his center. His vision cleared. “No, I’m sorry. There is only one way I can do this.” He couldn’t risk allowing her to touch him, even if she begged. Actually, he hoped she begged, but it still wouldn’t make it safe. Maybe after they had come a half dozen times, he’d be steady enough to think about giving her some control over their play.
    He forced his hand back into his lap. She needed to make these decisions without the influence of his touch. He’d had the twenty minute car ride to create a scenario that would bring her pleasure and give him the release he needed. Electricity buzzed and itched along the surface of his skin. Could she see it? How would she handle it? Her brow wrinkled and he realized he was taking too long to explain. “Sorry. I’ve never played with a novice before, and there is just no polite way to phrase what I want to do with you.”
    She dipped her chin and looked at him from beneath lowered brows. She raised her hand, palm up, and made a bring it on motion with her fingers. “What would you do with a more experienced partner?”
    He took a deep breath. “I’d make you strip and drop a hood over your head. Then I’d strap you to the table so that you absolutely could not move a muscle. I’d whip you if you liked it, but you already know what I can do. I don’t have to pretend. I probably don’t need to use a conductor, either, but I will.” He wanted to touch her; he didn’t want to harm her. “I’m wired so tight I can’t move without shooting sparks. I need to get rid of energy somehow. I don’t know how long it will take. I don’t know how much it will hurt. I don’t know how much energy you can handle or if you even have the pain threshold to consider taking me on tonight, but I hope you do.”
    Her eyes were wide. Maybe he should break it down another way. “Do you like pleasure?”
    “Yes.” Her voice was soft but certain. She didn’t look frightened.
    “I have no idea.”
    “Fair enough.” He had to clamp down on his loose wires again. “I think we should approach this scientifically and keep all of the variables the same but one. You are the first variable. Will you submit to my commands tonight?”
    Her nod was slow.
    “Are there any limits you would like to place on what I do to you?”
    “I don’t know enough about this to imagine limits. Tell me what your goal in this is.”
    An excellent question. “To bring us pleasure. Extreme pleasure,” he qualified.
    “I don’t know what girl would say no to that.”
    His heart began to pound, pushing fire through his veins. “It will probably leave some temporary marks. Are you okay with that?” She nodded. “Okay, here’s the biggie—sex.” Why did he feel like such a cad bringing this up? “I’d like to bring you to orgasm. With my fingers and my mouth and then I’d like to put on a nice, insulating condom and fuck you. How do you feel about that?”
    She blinked. “I don’t think I’ve ever been so bluntly propositioned.”
    “That’s not what I asked. Your brain will think you out of this experience if you let it. How do you feel about being with me? Are you aroused? What is your body telling

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