Pretty When She Cries
kiss,” he said in an intimate tone. He drew her face to his, and lowered his lips to her mouth. He was cradling her head, and pushed his kiss intently against her.
    “Kiss me as if I was your boyfriend,” he whispered. She felt his lips open as she softly kissed him. He sighed, sliding his tongue in deep and sensuously. He started to get excited, clutching one of her breasts, and smothering her with kisses on her mouth, eyes, and cheeks. He kneeled as close to the mattress as he could and got her to suck him. She was half sitting up, and passively let him do the work. He came quickly in her mouth. He wouldn’t let her sit up properly, but covered her mouth with his hand and forced her to swallow. She gagged and retched, almost vomiting. She just managed to keep it down, and he took his hand off her mouth.
    Later, he unchained her and took her outside around to the side of the house. He was fully clothed but she was utterly naked. It was late afternoon. There wasn’t a house in view only trees. The house was situated on a large property, but there didn’t seem to be any animals.
    “You looked so good and smelled so good when I brought you here,” he said, grabbing a hose. “Now you smell like a dirty fucking whore.”
    He focused the nozzle into a tight stream and used it mercilessly to wash the filth off her body. She gasped for breath, and shut her eyes tight as the hard stream hit various parts of her body. He changed the nozzle to a thicker, softer running, but still solid stream and played the cold water all over her. She kept her hands clasped in front of her cold breasts. He stood closer and put the nozzle between her legs and washed her there. He tried to push the hose inside her, but she complained so he just washed her. Then he put the water in her face and hair, and scrubbed as if he was washing his car.
    He turned the water off and she stood shivering. The sun wasn’t warm enough to drive the chill off her flesh. Her long wet hair clung to her neck and shoulders. He let most of the water drip from her, while he stood smoking.
    “I’m cold,” she said.
    “I know I can see you shivering. Don’t cover up your breasts. See if you can go for half a day without pissing me off, and I might let you have a warm shower next time.”
    He took her inside and rubbed her down with an old towel he got from the laundry. He ducked her head in the towel and rubbed her wet hair. “Do you like me being in control like this?” he asked. He rubbed her back and shoulders again with the towel and wrapped her in it. He hugged her tightly, lending her some of his warmth. He tilted her face up to him. “Eh? You like it like this?” He stared at her with dark brown eyes, with a look she could not understand at all. She nodded submissively and he kissed her on the mouth again.
    “Can I have some water?” she asked.
    “Didn’t you get enough out there?”
    He chained her up first. She lay on her side, her wet hair sticking on her back. She was still cold, and couldn’t stop her teeth from chattering. She had nothing to cover herself with and tried to keep warm by balling up. She could smell the sickening odour of the mattress. He gave her a drink of water, but forgot to feed her for several hours. She was left by herself. He was in the house somewhere. The room slowly grew dark, and she lay shivering. It must have been about three in the morning when he turned on the lights and sat on the couch smoking. He didn’t say anything or look at her. He switched out the lights again and left.
    The next morning she didn’t move even when he nudged her with his foot. She was nauseous and weak.
    “Oi!” he said. “What’s wrong with you?” He sat on the mattress and brushed her hair from her face. “Are you okay, baby?”
    “No!” she said. “I’m sick. You have to let me go!”
    He dragged her to standing by her wrist and took her to the bathroom. “I don’t need to,” she said, but he stood there

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