Pride X Familiar ReVamp (Pride X ReVamp Book 1)

Pride X Familiar ReVamp (Pride X ReVamp Book 1) by Albert Ruckholdt Read Free Book Online

Book: Pride X Familiar ReVamp (Pride X ReVamp Book 1) by Albert Ruckholdt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Albert Ruckholdt
ripped the galaxy apart for a radius of fifty three light years, it left behind the Hurakan Nebula.
    Basically, the nebula formed from the remains of numerous planets, moons, and stars blown to bits by the trans-light shockwave.
    That was more than two centuries ago.
    Two hundred and thirty seven years to be exact.
    Twenty years later, humanity had picked up the pieces and put together two spheres of political influence.
    But the Prides were exposed and all Hell broke loose between Regulars and the Aventis.
    The Regulars lost, the Aventis won, and peace settled upon the colonized remnant of the galaxy – one little corner of the galaxy.
    Then the Prides initiated the Pharos Project.
    To build a colony within the edge of the Hurakan Nebula.
    It took forty years to build. First, asteroids of sufficient size were found. They were debris from the numerous planets that were smashed to pieces by the Cataclysm. Today, we call these asteroids The Islands.
    Five Islands tied together by powerful effect-fields, and numerous cables as thick as inter-habitat buses.
    Giant caverns more than a dozen kilometers long were scooped out inside each of the rock islands. These came to be known as the Habitats. Immense tunnels connected the habitats within an island, allowing people to commute between them. However, pressurized and atmospherically sealed trains ran between the Islands, transporting hundreds of passengers at a time.
    I was ten when my parents died.
    They were killed in an explosion set off in the largest starship dock Pharos had to offer – the Harbor Sphere of Island One.
    A massive empty sphere six kilometers wide, with a hundred docks and berths cut into the rock wall of the harbor.
    My parents worked for a shipping company as dockside managers.
    That day a bomb was triggered inside a super freighter that had just pulled into the dock.
    The vessel went boom.
    The dock went boom.
    My parents and hundreds of others died in an instant.
    That was the day before Pharos was due to celebrate its centenary.
    As historians would call it, it was a Day of Infamy.
    A centenary marked in blood.
    The ones responsible for the explosion announced their existence to the people of Pharos.
    They declared their opposition to the Prides.
    They went by the name…Crimson Crescent.

Chapter 1 .
    The start of a new school year.
    At least I wasn’t starting in a new school.
    I had transferred into Galatea Academy seven months ago, once my body acclimatized to the Avenir Symbiote.
    Galatea Academy was one of the five premier schools in Pharos for Aventis.
    For a colony that consisted of five immense rocks or asteroids, Pharos was the hub of all commerce and traffic into the Hurakan Nebula. The asteroids were referred to as Islands. The smallest was thirty kilometers long and twelve kilometers at it widest. The largest, Island One, was fifty seven kilometers long and twenty two kilometers wide.
    Galatea Academy was located inside Habitat One, Island Three.
    It was a school exclusive to the Prides.
    No Regular humans.
    Just us Aventis.
    When I first joined the Pride, it took me as long to get used to the changes in my body, as it took to grow accustomed to the new school.
    That was to say, it didn’t take me long at all. That was because I was welcomed with open arms by my new classmates, and that made the transition easier.
    The girls in my class made me at home as best they could.
    And the boys did their best to put in a good impression – for obvious reasons.
    Because I transferred in late during the year, I had to work extra hard to keep up with the slightly different curriculum. But I persevered, and at the end of the year, I found myself in the top ten in my class, and the top thirty in my year.
    I was ready to begin my second year of high school with a great deal of pride in what I’d accomplished.
    I knew I hadn’t disappointed my family either.
    If anything, my parents were even more proud of me than before.
    Although, there were

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