Prince's Fire

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Book: Prince's Fire by Amy Raby Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Raby
heart thudded in her chest. Was this the servant woman he’d impregnated?
    There were indications of an intimacy that went beyond the relationship a prince would normally have with a servant. The woman’s manner was soft and enticing; she stood closer than she ought. Even Rayn, though he clearly didn’t want her around, was not behaving in a businesslike manner. He looked more like a man rebuffing an unwanted advance.
    The blond woman walked away and took the ladder that led belowdecks.
    Now it was Celeste’s turn. She headed for the rail. Rayn glanced over and saw her coming. After a word with Lornis, he left the rail with his adviser in tow and took a wide circle around the ship. Celeste felt hot all over, flushed with humiliation. The other woman was worthy of a few words of conversation, but apparently Celeste wasn’t. She considered following him, but decided she’d look ridiculous. Instead, she went to the rail where he’d been. Rayn and Lornis returned to their cabin. Gods curse them. “I can’t believe this,” she said through gritted teeth.
    â€œHe’ll come around,” said Atella. “He has to.”
    He wasn’t going to come around; she could see that. But even if he didn’t like her, he could show her a little respect. And she was going to tell him so. “I’m going to his cabin.”
    She marched across the deck to Rayn’s side of the captain’s quarters, knocked, and spoke loud enough to be heard through the door. “I wish to speak to Prince Rayn.”
    â€œHe’s indisposed,” someone called from inside.
    â€œHe was fine just moments ago,” replied Celeste.
    No response.
    â€œRayn!” She banged on the door again. “You’re avoiding me, and I feel I should know why.”
    The door opened. Celeste shivered with anticipation, nervous at the possibility of actually speaking with the prince, but the man who stepped through it—and closed the door behind him—was Magister Lornis.
    â€œYour Imperial Highness, I’m terribly sorry,” he said. “Prince Rayn is seasick. He went out on the quarterdeck in the hopes that it would help his condition, but unfortunately it did not.”
    â€œSeasick,” Celeste repeated doubtfully.
    Magister Lornis bit his lip. “It’s been a problem this trip. He offers his most sincere apologies.”
    If Rayn was seasick, she had the pox. She pushed her way past Lornis. “I don’t care if he’s sick. I must talk to him.”
    â€œYour Imperial Highness!” Lornis protested. He reached out as if to grab her arm, but pulled back. One did not manhandle the Imperial Princess of Kjall.
    Celeste yanked the door open and stormed into Rayn’s cabin. The prince was sitting on his cot, eyes wide at the unexpected intrusion, and obviously not sick since he was drinking from a steaming mug. “I must speak with you,” she said.
    Rayn eyed her. “Speak, then.”
    Lornis slipped into the cabin beside her, spreading his arms in a gesture of helplessness.
    Celeste took a deep breath. “I understand this marriage proposal came as a shock. And I’m aware that you have a previous relationship with another woman, who might be on this ship with us.”
    Rayn swallowed and lowered his mug.
    â€œThis isn’t easy for me either,” said Celeste. “I wish to be perfectly frank. We are both from royal families. You understand, as I do, the privileges and the costs of rank. Neither of us will marry for love.”
    â€œYour Imperial Highness—” began Rayn.
    â€œAllow me to finish.” Without being invited, she took a seat on a nearby chair. “I don’t think I need to point out to you the political advantages of an alliance with Kjall. You already know them. But perhaps you hesitate because you are uncertain about me personally.” She swallowed. “I’m aware that I might

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