Princess In Love

Princess In Love by Meg Cabot Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Princess In Love by Meg Cabot Read Free Book Online
Authors: Meg Cabot
Tags: Chick lit, Romance, Young Adult
what with my gouged tongue, I could relate to this, so I just sort of, you know, looked at Michael's lips while he was talking, which I have never really done before. I mean, I have looked at other parts of Michael's body (particularly when he comes into the kitchen in the morning
    with no shirt on, like he does every time I sleep over at Lilly's). But I've never really looked at his lips. You know. Up close.
    Michael actually has very nice lips. Not thin lips, like mine. I don't know if you should say this about a boy's lips, but Michael's look like if you kissed them, they'd be very soft
    It was while I was noticing this about Michael's lips that the very bad thing happened: I was looking at them, you know, and wondering if they'd be soft to kiss and, as I looked, I sort of actually pictured us kissing, you know, in my head. And right then I got this very warm feeling - the one they talk about in Tina's romance novels - and RIGHT THEN was when Kenny went by on his way to get his usual lunch, Coke and an ice-cream sandwich.
    I know Kenny can't read my mind - if he could, he totally. would have broken up with me by now - but maybe he caught some hint as to what I was thinking, and that's why he didn't say 'hi' back when Michael and I said 'hi'.
    Well, that and the whole part where I said Um, OK after he said he loved me.
    Kenny must have known something was up, if my face was anywhere near as red-hot as it felt. Maybe that's why he didn't
    say 'hi' back. Because I was looking so guilty. I'd certainly felt guilty. I mean, there I was, looking at another guy's lips and wondering what it would be like to kiss them, and my boyfriend goes walking by.
    I am so going to bad-girl hell when I die.
    You know what I wish? I wish everyone could read my mind. Because then Kenny would never have asked me out. He'd
    have known I don't think of him that way. And Lilly wouldn't make fun of me for not letting Kenny kiss me. She would know the reason I don't is that I'm in love with someone else.
    The bad part is, she'd know who that someone else is.
    And that someone probably wouldn't even speak to me again, because it's totally uncool for a senior to go out with a freshman. Especially one who can't go anywhere without a bodyguard.
    Besides, I'm almost positive he's going out with Judith Gershner, because after he came back from the grill, he went and sat down next to her.
    So that settles that.
    I wish I were leaving for Genovia tomorrow instead of in two weeks.
    Monday; December 7, trench
    In spite of that disastrous incident at lunch, I had a pretty good time in Gifted and Talented. In fact, it was almost like old
    times again. I mean, before we all started going out with each other and everyone became so obsessed with the inner
    workings of my mouth, and all that.
    It was really nice. Mrs. Hill spent the whole class period in the teachers' lounge across the hall, yelling at American Express
    on the phone, leaving us free to do what we usually do during her class . . . whatever we wanted. For instance, those of us who, like Lilly's boyfriend Boris, wanted to work on our individual projects (Boris is learning to play some new sonata on his violin) which is what Gifted and Talented class is supposedly for, did so.
    Those of us, however, like Lilly and me, who did not want to work on our individual projects (mine is studying for Algebra; Lilly's is working on her cable access TV show) did not.
    This was especially satisfying because Lilly had completely forgotten about the whole kissing thing between Kenny and me. The reason for this is that now she's mad at Mrs Spears, her Honours English teacher, who shot down her term paper proposal.
    It really was unfair of Mrs Spears to turn it down, because it was actually very well thought out and quite creative. Here is a copy of it I made:
    How to Survive High School
    by Lilly Moscovitz
    Having spent the past two months locked into that institution of secondary education commonly

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