Profile of Terror

Profile of Terror by Alexa Grace Read Free Book Online

Book: Profile of Terror by Alexa Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexa Grace
found nothing other than class reminders and appointments.  Nothing suspicious, but he copied the current and past three months anyway.
    Next, he searched her Internet browser files and made a copy of temporary files onto the external drive.  These files would enable him to see Abby's browsing history with the websites the browser had visited.  Later, he would go to the sites to see if Abby had any recent communications that might help him locate her.  Gabe copied the contents of the laptop's hard drive.  Without her iPhone, he would have to use his contact at the phone company to get a record of her calls.
    Pulling out the external drive, he slipped it into his jeans pocket and went through the apartment again.  There were absolutely no signs a struggle had occurred here.  If Abby had been abducted, it did not occur inside her apartment. 
    Hearing a car motor and the crunch of gravel beneath the tires, Gabe rushed to Abby's window to see that Dr. Ramsey had arrived.  He raced down the back stairs and then up the driveway, and met the older woman at her car in front of the house.
    Gabe didn't hesitate to ask Dr. Ramsey his first question, "When was the last time you saw Abby?"
    "That's just what the policeman asked when I reported her missing.  I saw Abby last Friday.  We had lemonade and a nice chat on the porch when she returned from one of her classes." She paused.  "I did hear her go out later that night, must have been around nine o'clock or so."
    Recording the information in a small notebook, he asked, "When you talked to her, did Abby seem worried or upset about anything?"
    Dr. Ramsey considered the question, and then said, "No.  She was in a good mood. She'd just gotten an A on an essay she'd written for her English class."
    "What about visitors?"
    "Abby has always had her share of male visitors.  No one that stands out, but then I don't really notice much of what goes on at the back of the building where Abby's entrance is located.  My living space is in front," said Dr. Ramsey, and then added.  "But I do remember you.  You came around more than the others.  I was hoping you were the one for her."
    Ignoring her statement, Gabe fished a business card out of his pocket and handed it to her.  "If you think of anything that might help me find Abby, give me a call."
    "You're a private investigator?  Did Abby's mother hire you?"
    "No, I've never met Abby's mother."
    "You might want to give her a call.  She could use help from someone like you." 
    Gabe's cell phone alerted he'd received a text.  Excusing himself, he headed for his truck in the back of the building.  The text was from Michael Brandt.  Ryder's verdict was in and the court would reconvene within the hour.
    As quietly as she could, Kaitlyn Reece opened the louvered doors to her sister's closet and stepped into the room.  Taking a deep breath, she moved to the window and watched the man who had just been in Abby's apartment talking with her sister's landlord downstairs.  Who was he and why did he have a key to Abby's apartment?  Answering her own questions, she concluded he was probably one of Abby's many boyfriends.  The most important question was what did he have to do with her disappearance?  Why did he copy the contents of her laptop?
    Kaitlyn had almost finished her search of the apartment when she'd heard the metal key in the lock that inspired her to hide in the bedroom closet. 
    She'd already looked everywhere in the apartment for anything that would tell her where her sister was.  Kaitlyn found Abby's suitcases tucked away in the bottom of the pantry in the kitchen, so she ruled out an impromptu trip out of town.  Her sister's purse and iPhone were gone, but her car was still parked behind the building.  Kaitlyn had a terrible feeling that wherever Abby was, she did not go there willingly. 
    There was one more thing on her list to

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