Promises (Blood Brothers #1)

Promises (Blood Brothers #1) by BJ Brandon Read Free Book Online

Book: Promises (Blood Brothers #1) by BJ Brandon Read Free Book Online
Authors: BJ Brandon
whispered softly as she lay her head against his shoulder. He felt her quiet sobs as she cried and it broke his heart, the one Kayne was convinced he no longer felt. "How will I ever sleep with the nightmares now?"
    He couldn't take her sobs, they were killing him. She never felt the small prick as he injected her with a sedative that quickly took effect. One minute she was quietly clutching his shirt in a death grip and sobbing, the next she lay limp and silent in his arms.
    "Fuck!" his curse was loud and hard, filling the SUV with vicious anger as he stared down at the woman in his arms.
    "My thoughts exactly!" was the only comment Rafe contributed as his brother continued to hold her.

Chapter 6
    Some distance away, the Master was livid!
    "What do you mean they escaped?" The one who called himself 'The Master' stood before the large bank of windows looking out over a meticulously groomed lawn that stretched for acres. The estate afforded him the facilities necessary to camouflage his various ventures under the guise of a working gentleman's ranch. At the moment he could see several quarter horses being trained in a paddock, but his eyes didn't see the beauty of their gait.
    "We lost them at the hospital," the young man stuttered, eyes on the floor. "Our informant gave us a heads up that something was happening so men were sent in to acquire the test subject but they were already on the move. By the time we were able to locate them, she was gone." The Master was quiet, never allowing his control to bubble above the surface that threatened to turn the light into blackness. Failure was not an option. Those who failed him paid the consequences.
    "Who was on this assignment?" he asked, never revealing his intentions.
    "Davis, sir."
    "Have him recalled and placed in the training facility by 1600 tonight. I will personally see to his discipline!" The barely controlled violence almost bubbled up, but he continued to controlled it. Until he turned to look at the young man waiting for further orders.
    Eyes as black as sin stared at the young man, chilling his soul. Davis would never walk out of the training facility this night. The young man would bet his soul on it.
    The Master had worked long and hard to develop the vast network of contacts that ensured his projects were the best stock, the highest quality and the most demanded genetics available. His research team were the best in their fields, paid a fortune for their silence and loyalty. Since the release of the McIntyre twins from the government projects, they had been nothing but a thorn in his ass and he was tired of it.
    The team was meant to be the best, start a genetic pool that would be beyond the touch of anyone other than his Teams, and it had all come crumbling down because of some soft-hearted bureaucrats. Their inability to see what the future could be was beyond stupid; they were more afraid of the public said than what could be accomplished to protect their own asses.
    He stomped over to the side bar and punched several buttons, opening a hidden compartment that held a laptop and big screen TV. Several keystrokes later and the proposed lists of all of his Treasures were on display.
    Two of them out of so many were all that had shown the successful traits necessary to meet the genetic requirements for the project. And now, those damn twins had both of them. He was more determined to get them back now that he thought of it. It was only fitting that those young women be part of his project! They would be the mothers of the next evolution in mankind.

Chapter 7
    The room was quiet and dark as he sat slumped in the overstuffed chair in the corner, feet propped up on the end of the bed, watching her sleep. Chayle had not moved once since he had placed her in his large King-size bed, gently tucking the soft sheets and quilt around her slender body to keep her warm. He and Rafe kept the house cool because it suited them due to their unique metabolisms and it had never

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