Protocol 1337

Protocol 1337 by D. Henbane Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Protocol 1337 by D. Henbane Read Free Book Online
Authors: D. Henbane
to discuss with you in private. I wouldn’t want information to fall into the wrong hands.” I reply.
    “Of course my boy! Follow me. Eve, agent Haus has finished his rehab and is being transferred to tech wing. On second thought, Eve, Haus will need to stay one more night. I don’t have time today to get his room ready so we will have to wait until tomorrow. I do have time to hear what you have found. So let's make it fast, Haus, I have to get going in about 15 minutes.”
    Reese walks quickly toward the elevator, and I glance behind me at Eve. Her eyes are welling up in tears and looks as if she has seen a ghost. Her smokey blue eyes stare out at me. I can't seem to break her gaze and walk right into the wall. I play it off in front of Reese as if it's just a lingering effect of not walking for so long. I told him I was just getting used to my sea legs.
    “Edith, do not leave this floor, close the door, and initiate an off the record conversation protocol for 15 minutes.”
    “As you wish Director Reese, audio and visual will be encoded. A file has been created in your personal files. What do you wish to call this event?” Edith announces.
    “Personal conversation with new recruit agent Haus, dated today, authorized access Director Reese only.”
    “Event created, protocol will initiate in five seconds Director Reese.” Edith says.
    “OK agent you can speak your mind, anything said here stays with me personally. So give me some good news.” Reese says.
    “Like I said before Sir, it's nothing that solid, just some anomalies in the email system. The first thing I looked for were email addresses that have been logged into within the last six months. Then, I filtered it even more and removed any email address that has never forwarded an email. I still got plenty of results, so I tweaked it a bit more. I removed all addresses that have fewer than 25 contacts. Only three addresses came up, two were fantasy football leagues, but the last one stuck out. I reviewed all messages sent from this address. The content of the messages is mostly random crap, but that wasn’t what held my attention. It was the frequency. Emails sent every 13 days, not once deviating, regardless of holidays or weekends. The kicker of it all is the emails weren’t always sent from the office, but from phone, and home PC.” I explain.
    “Interesting.... What do you think is happening here? Hunches don’t count in this industry Haus, results do. It isn’t a game of he said, she said, either you got them red handed or you don’t. I can't unleash a fire storm unless it's signed and dated by the offender. So if you are asking me to go out on a limb, based upon a fantasy football league theory, you are seriously delusional.” Reese explains.
    “It's more than just that Sir why would someone use three different computers to communicate with someone? Especially every 13 days? Unless you wanted your communication to seem normal from the outside but really there was a lot more going on? I am currently tracing each IP address. I suspect the sender is using some kind of encryption.” I say.
    “Well, I hear your point, but you have to see things from my perspective. Unless you have a smoking gun, I can't put my reputation on the line for analytics. I wish I had more time today, but my 15 minutes are up, and we are about to be recorded. We will discuss this later. For now, exit the elevator and go back to your room. I have things to do.”
    I exit the elevator and head back to my room. I walk past the central desk. Eve was not there, and I thought for a moment to head to the break room for some food, but I decide against it. I’m not really hungry anyways. Food doesn’t sound that appealing to me, the only thing I can think of is Eve. Her eyes are still haunting me as I walk down the hallway. Always followed by her image, I glance back hoping to see her, but find myself alone in an empty hallway.
    My head slams into my pillow, and I throw my arms

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