PsyCop 6: GhosTV

PsyCop 6: GhosTV by Jordan Castillo Price Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: PsyCop 6: GhosTV by Jordan Castillo Price Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Castillo Price
Tags: mm
wouldn’t try the workout once and then give up?
    Who was to say Jacob even wanted me any bigger—besides Barbara, of course?
    It seemed like a shame to go through all that effort for nothing. If there were only some way I could know for sure if Jacob even wanted me to beef up. Without asking him, of course, because he’d only say I was great just the way I was. That’s what boyfriends are supposed to say—that’s just the way the world works.
    However…I did know someone who could tell me for sure.
    Even as I thought it, I felt petty. My ex-partner, Lisa Gutierrez, was teetering on the verge of locking herself in a room and using her si-no talent to solve every crime in every precinct known to man, and then probably a few that hadn’t even been committed yet. Did I deserve to use her to find out whether or not Jacob wanted a little something more to hold onto?
    The thing was, we were friends, Lisa and me. And whether or not she used the si-no to come by her answer, I’d bet she’d be able to give me some good advice. I opened my email and typed: 
    Hey Lis
    What’s going on with you…how had summer been treating you, I bet its nice in C.A.
    I was thinking about weight training…what do you think Jacob would think about it…I can’t always tell if hes just saying what I want to hear.

    You missed vinyl wrist restraint day with some muscle bound guy named Sando, lucky you…I bet you were meditating at the time.
    Keep in touch,
    p.s. call me sometime
    There. That didn’t sound too desperate. And if her answer didn’t sound like a si-no to me, I could always figure out a way to get Carolyn to ask Jacob for me.
    I grabbed another cup of coffee and set out to find three exercises I could get started with that were so simple I could memorize them without printing them out, when I saw I had new mail.
    My heart raced. Lisa must have been sitting at her computer and done it then and there. Si? No.
    Briefly, very briefly, it occurred to me to not look at her answer—because if it was no, Jacob didn’t need me to step up the fitness regime, then I’d be missing out on a perfectly good opportunity to increase my strength and endurance—and I’d also squander the chance at a potential hobby, which would be a shame. I’d finally admitted that I had no idea how to play Sudoku.
    And if she said yes, then no doubt I’d feel like crap, and I wouldn’t be able to tell Jacob about it either since there’d be nothing he could say that would make me feel better.
    I thought both of those things, for maybe half a second. But I’d asked, and if she had an answer for me, then I owed it to her to see it.
    I pulled up my email and saw the message I’d just sent, with this in the header:
    550 user lmgutierrez23, quota exceeded
    550 ... Can’t create output: Error 0

    My first thought was that I’d typed it wrong, but no, she was in my address book and the emails always went through before. Besides, when I looked at the message, it didn’t say it was an invalid address.
    It said the quota was exceeded.
    On a Q-mail account? Those things hold like a million messages.
    I memory-dialed Jacob, who picked up after two rings. “Hey, it’s me,” I said. “You busy?”
    “Not for you. What’s up?”
    “An email bounced back from Lisa. Don’t you think that’s weird?”
    “I don’t know.” He considered. “Maybe her account was full of spam so she created a new one.”
    “The account was still there, but it was full. A Q-mail account.”
    “Huh. But remember when my mother got the digital camera and she sent me a hundred megs of photos because she didn’t know how to work the settings? It might be something like that.”
    “When was the last time you actually heard from her?” I scrolled down. “Lisa, I mean. Not your mother. Because now I’m looking, and I see she didn’t answer my last two emails. So it’s been a week. No, two.”
    He gave a short sigh. “Okay. I’ll check

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