PUCK (A BAD BOY HOCKEY ROMANCE) by Jessica Marx Read Free Book Online

Book: PUCK (A BAD BOY HOCKEY ROMANCE) by Jessica Marx Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Marx
casual as possible so I’m not going all out and just keeping it simple.
    After I wash the dishes from the staff dinner, I go into the bathroom and freshen up. I don’t want to look like I’m trying too hard when Puck gets here, but I also don’t want to smell like a kitchen and look like I’ve been making a mess all day - which I have.
    I wash my face and wet my hair a bit, rearranging and teasing to give it a little extra body. I put on some lipstick and new mascara which gives me a fresh look, but natural enough that no one will detect that I’ve gone to any trouble. I don’t need the rest of the staff thinking I have a thing for the boss.
    I change into a similar outfit to what I normally wear so hopefully no one will notice that I even changed. I put on clean black pants that look like my normal work pants, but these hug my legs and butt a little tighter. I also switch into a clean, white fitted top that accents my curves.
    I take a look in the mirror. I look pretty good for someone who’s been working hard all day. I put a new chef coat on over my outfit and smile at myself, trying to give my ego a little boost of confidence before going back into the main area of the house. Puck will be back any minute. I need to be on top of my game and self assured. This is just a meeting, I can’t think of it as anything more or I’m going to blow my cover.
    I go back into the kitchen and busy myself with the finishing touches on our meal. I set the table and take out the printed menu and ingredient lists I prepared for the fundraiser. I also gather the invoices and paperwork for the catering staff, linens, and the rest of the party rentals Steven and I have put together. I’m sure Puck has seen all of it but the more I have to talk about, the less personal conversation there will be.
    I’m getting antsy and trying to decide if I should put the food in the warming oven or not when I hear Puck come in and greet Marla, the housekeeper. She is leaving to go home which means it’s just the two of us in the house now. I take a big sip of my water and make myself busy putting the food on plates so I’m not just standing here when Puck walks in. I drop my tongs and they clang on the floor.
    “Shit,” I swear, bending down to pick them up.
    “Well. Isn’t that a sight for sore eyes,” I hear Puck say from behind me, “I haven’t seen you in a week and before you even say hello, you give me a full booty shot.”
    My face reddens and I slowly stand up and turn around, “seriously? That’s the first thing you’re going to say to me?”
    “Oh. I’m sorry,” he teases, “I thought you were doing that just for me.”
    I smirk at him, unable to think of something witty to say. Puck puts his bag down near my kitchen office and takes a bottle of wine out of the wine cooler, “would you like a glass?” he asks.
    I’m not sure where Puck came from but he looks incredibly sexy. He’s wearing a well fitted navy blue suit, a white collared button down shirt, and a tie with a blue and gray design. With his sandy hair combed into a pompadour, he looks like he could be on the cover of a magazine. When he reaches into the refrigerator I get a good look at his backside. It’s very toned and muscular from all the hockey - at least that’s what I assume.
    “I’m on the clock,” I reply, walking to the sink to wash off my tongs. I’m really just looking for something to do so I can keep my eyes off of him.
    “I’m sure your boss won’t mind. I hear he’s a pretty cool guy,” he answers. Puck takes two glasses from the bar and uncorks the bottle. He fills each glass, giving each a little twirl and brings one over to me.
    “Cheers, Dani. Here’s to the future,” he says with a wink, taking a long swig. I take a long sip also. I think a little alcohol is just what I need right now. He’s only been here a few minutes and I’m already having a hard time thinking about business. Before I realize it, I’ve swallowed half

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