Pulling The Dragon's Tail
utilize the hospital’s computer system?
Not counting certain staff members, Nate Kristopher was by far the
most intriguing case Jentry had encountered in her short span in
the field of psychobiology. The day’s events had just gone from
mundane to extraordinary to absolutely astounding, and it was still
only 9:25 a.m.

The Jesus Machine
    The vast openness of the Kansas plains always
seemed to soothe Herschel Hatton. Under a canopy of trees that
overlooked his vast agricultural operation, he once again found
solace. As the ever-present wind swept through his hair, he prayed
and read for hours. Yet he couldn’t get his mind off Wakely Karris
or the information she provided on Marisol, William, Kasai, and
most of all, his old friend, Skip, who now called himself Nate
    Then he recalled last month’s visit with his
Alpha Group pal, Chad Delavan. That visit had made all the
difference. Still, what God was asking of him was difficult.
    * * * * * *
    “My Lord and my God! Master!” Herschel, in total
awe of meeting Jesus, bowed down to the ground. The exquisite
aromas and blissful sounds of Heaven permeated his being.
    “My son, welcome to Heaven. Please arise!” Jesus
knelt and cupped his hands over Herschel’s head. Extending his hand
to Herschel’s upper arm, He assisted the awe-struck visitor in
getting back on his feet.
    Jesus was dressed in a flowing white robe,
glistening with a starry brightness. Although the radiance reminded
Herschel of gazing at the sun, he was aware there was no need to
squint or shade his eyes. The Christ figure arrayed before him had
olive brown skin, shoulder-length brown hair and beard. His deep
brown eyes sparkled, reminding Herschel of his favorite Bible
    The Son of God is right in front of me! Like a man with a parched throat, he gulped down the refreshing
water of Jesus’s presence.
    Chad Delavan had indeed promised the Jesus
Machine would be powerful. But until that moment, Herschel hadn’t
realized just how powerful. Herschel Hatton’s virtual reality of
Heaven exuded the proverbial delights of legend, just as he had
programmed it to be.
    A massive choir of angels and humans, suspended
in the sky, thundered a mighty chorus. Seraphim flew overhead as
lightning followed in their wake. The sun, perhaps many of them,
shone brightly over an Earth-like landscape.
    Herschel found himself high up on a mountain
covered by the rich hues of green trees. Past the mountain and out
into the valley plains, waterfalls and canyons rolled out as far as
his eyes could see. Scanning the mountain revealed a deep cloud
layer that covered the summit many kilometers higher.
    God in His eternal throne!
    Herschel turned his attention back to Jesus .
But you are the reason I am here, Lord.
    Jesus offered, “Let me show you around my
    Herschel was immediately transported across
galaxies where he saw black holes being formed, supernovas in
transformation, and clusters of stars in the most breathtaking
night sky.
    Human-like aliens were observed on other planets
worshipping the Triune god-head: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
    Finally Jesus spoke again. “My son, no matter
where you go in the universe, I am there, from the middle of a
black hole to the tiniest sea creature on the opposite side of the
universe. There is no way to escape my presence.”
    The Magellanic Clouds I created for you. The
Pleiades star cluster I created for your pleasure. The deep waters
on each of the million billion planets in my universe teem with
life, abundant life. All life bows down to the Lord God Creator of
the Universe. I am the Alpha and Omega.”
    The booming voice arced through Herschel as his
senses tingled with a pleasure he’d never before experienced. He
had never even fathomed the depth of the sensory inputs he was now
experiencing. Peace and tranquility engrossed his being.
    Momentarily he was safe from his inner demons. I want to stay here eternally.

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