Puppet On A String

Puppet On A String by Lizbeth Dusseau Read Free Book Online

Book: Puppet On A String by Lizbeth Dusseau Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lizbeth Dusseau
me. I do this because I can, because it’s my job, because I’m a sadistic bastard who enjoys causing beautiful females to suffer.”
           “You can’t! You can’t be that evil!”
           “Evil? Now that does amuse me. You call me evil.” He laughed. “I’ll see if I can live up to that description.”
           He pulled out needles and
shrunk back, if not literally, then figuratively. Within minutes, her breasts looked like pincushions with needles poked through the soft flesh, and others shoved through her nipples. Each time he grabbed her breast to forcefully jab a needle into her flesh, the shock stunned her overwrought nerves. She panted heavily, breathing through each burst of pain, clenching teeth and sobbing softly. However, once the pain subsided she was left with the aftereffect of her rising endorphins and a sweet bath of pleasure moving through her.
           Her eyes were half closed, her mind in a drunken stupor. Taking a deep breath, she smelled Jessup’s rising pheromones, his feral male essence. The taste of desire on her tongue could not be ignored. Though multiple piercings like this were new to her, other events in her past had taught her how to handle sessions of extreme pain, when one level of torment was only exceeded by the next.
           However, whatever pleasure or joy or sexual satisfaction she might have felt as a result of the torture, she could not let Jessup know that she experienced anything other than physical agony. If he sensed the truth on his own, then that was her bad luck. But to hedge her bet, she made herself cry out, forced her face into a twisted grimace and begged for his mercy. Every response was carefully calculated now.
           Had the pain made her so sane, so clear thinking? Strange as it seemed, for the first time in days her mind was crystal clear and her outward response to the piercing was purposefully scripted. She prayed that Jessup would be clueless about her plan and maybe he was, since he moved almost mindlessly through his ritual, apparently getting buzzed every time he plunged another needle into her flesh.
           He said nothing. He barely looked her in the eye.
couldn’t bear to look at her aching breasts. Even the smallest touch of his fingers produced a vibration enough to send a new river of pain shooting through her fried nerves.
           The way he stood back and viewed his handiwork,
thought he was done. She breathed deeply and hung on, determined to remain unruffled until the ordeal was over.
           “I’m impressed by your calm,
. Makes one wonder if you’ve done this before. Let’s see how you suffer through the rest.”
           When he came back to her again with another needle, he crouched in front of her crotch, lifted her outer labia from the chair and abruptly jabbed needle through the plump skin.
           She gasped deeply, finding the level of pain in this new location more difficult to control. It was good that she couldn’t move, the ropes might have saved her a lot more pain.
           The second needle through the other labia hurt just as much as the first, and her tolerance for pain was rapidly waning. A third needle placed just above the first and panic struck. She was about to lose it all. Never had she suffered so and her cry came roaring out…
           “Pluuuuhleeeassssssssssss. Please stop!” Her head shook back and forth while Jessup speared her labia one more time, then he stood above her and watched the torture play out across her face.
           “You’ll be glad to know that I’m not going to lay you on the rack and fuck you. Although the idea of it is damned appealing, the logistics could get a little messy. I’m not allowed to damage you further. I think the company wants to ensure your further usefulness. But perhaps next time, I’ll just forget about what the company wants. I’ll

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