Questing Heart: Fighting Heart Erotic Bad Boy Romance Series Book 2

Questing Heart: Fighting Heart Erotic Bad Boy Romance Series Book 2 by Nicole Hamilton Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Questing Heart: Fighting Heart Erotic Bad Boy Romance Series Book 2 by Nicole Hamilton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Hamilton
her chic expensive suits, her immaculately combed brown hair cascading down past her shoulders. There were hints of her years in the fine lines on her brow, but aside from the suit and those fine lines, Joanna could have been aged anywhere between twenty-two and thirty-six. Cody enjoyed that unknown. As he looked at her Cody wondered what it would feel like to go to bed with an older woman. What that would be like? When she looked at him – glossy eyes smiling, her lashes fluttering as she laughed – he went into a spin. Joanna Laws was far too easy company to be ignored.
    “I know this little crowd will love you, Cody. The smart literary guy from the big city, come to inspire them with your prose full of passion and desire.”
    “You think? I thought these guys would much rather drink an ale and eat a pie in peace round here.”
    “Not these people. Think of this pub as a stage set. The publishers have bussed in a lot of people and the literature fans, the real book fans, have driven in themselves. It may look very parochial but all these people matter. And as my hottest property, I think you will go down very well.”
    “Hot property? Moi?”
    “Absolutely, Cody. I’m staking a lot on you. But it’s your passion which will sell your work the most. Tell me… do you still love that girl?”
    “What?” Cody looked up from his drink.
    “The girl in the book. It’s obvious your feelings were very strong for this girl. It must have been some affair…”
    Joanna was being personal but somehow Cody didn’t mind. In fact, it felt good to discuss it.
    “Love?! I’m not sure it ever even got that far. I liked the girl a lot. I saw her potential and I wanted to help her. But she just couldn’t help herself, she sold herself short for a bad guy with a very big rep.” Cody didn’t mention his name in case there were consequences.
    Joanna Laws eyes glimmered. “So it didn’t work out between you.”
    “I guess not.”
    “Shame,” said Joanna. But the way she said it had undertones. Cody picked them up and felt a heat stirring within.
    They talked about his book some more and then Joanna said, “I’ve decided that we shouldn’t go back to York tonight. We’ll stay out here. This is a lovely place, don’t you think?”
    She made a flourishing gesture of the rustic pub. It was a nice place, and Cody didn’t have to pay. He didn’t object.
    “Sure… sure, that’s fine,” he said. She left Cody at the table with a smile and went to arrange their stay. It wasn’t until after Cody’s reading that the arrangements became much clearer.
    “Outstanding performance, yet again,” she said as Cody climbed down from the stage to a burst of applause. Joanna put a tankard of ale in his hand and led him to a quiet table at the side of the bar. The Q & As were all done. Cody had shaken hands with the readers and signed a few festival brochures. Work was finished for the evening.
    “Now, it’s time for my little star to relax,” said Joanna.
    They drank ale and then ate a special pub dinner of steak and kidney pie. At half past nine when dinner had long finished, Joanna’s face changed with intent. She leaned forward across the table. Her hair fell by her face. “It’s time we retired for the night. You’ve got a busy schedule tomorrow.”
    “You’re sure you don’t want another drink, Joanna?” Cody asked.
    “Of course I do. But let’s share a drink upstairs before we go to sleep. If we stay down here we’ll end up drinking all night.”
    “Sure…” said Cody. His eyes widened at the possibilities and his throat got a tight with excitement. Surely, this wasn’t going to happen… was it? They stood up and he let Joanna lead the way. His heart was pounding.
    “This is our room,” she said. “I hope you don’t mind us sharing, but my business budget can only stretch so far…” she laughed, and gratefully Cody heard the nerves in her voice. She was taking a risk, and they both knew it.

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