Questing Heart: Fighting Heart Erotic Bad Boy Romance Series Book 2

Questing Heart: Fighting Heart Erotic Bad Boy Romance Series Book 2 by Nicole Hamilton Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Questing Heart: Fighting Heart Erotic Bad Boy Romance Series Book 2 by Nicole Hamilton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Hamilton
Cody reassured her immediately.
    “No, that’s fine. I can take the sofa. A lady deserves a good bed to sleep in.”
    “A lady,” said Joanna, grinning. “That’s me is it? We can work out the sleeping arrangements after we have a drink,” she said. Relaxed again Joanna took control. She was demure and confident and approached Cody with a feminine swagger as she poured a drink from the bottle she brought up from the bar.
    Joanna sat down close by Cody. For the first time, she was intimately close. Her hip pressed firmly against Cody as they chatted. He felt it press more firmly over time. Her presence was intimate and suggestive. Cody’s heart was racing faster and he smiled at her over the noise of his feelings.
    “Cody…” she said, breaking the silence, “I think you are going to be a star and you’re going to be a star because I am going to make you one. I really believe in you.”
    “That’s brilliant to hear, Joanna.”
    “But there’s something else… something personal …”
    “A question. Do you find me attractive, Cody?”
    Cody turned towards Joanna and she turned to face him, her hair falling to one side of her angled face. An image of Ashley flicked through Cody’s mind, but he remembered his rule put it aside. Ashley didn’t want him – she had made that clear.
    “Joanna, you are a beautiful lady.”
    “Perfect. That’s all I wanted to hear you say,” The woman laid down her glass of wine, the leather sofa creaked as she moved across, leaning over him. Her blouse was open at the top and Cody glimpsed the alluring mounds of her cleavage for the first time. Her skirt creased up her thighs as she moved over Cody’s legs, and when her lips found his, Cody didn’t fight. His arms gently slid around her back and their lips touched. There was heat in their connection. They kissed hungry and passionately.
    “ I want to be your muse, Cody... How can I become your muse?” she said breathily. “Shall we?”
    She pointed to the bed and pulled Cody by his hand. Her eyes saw the swelling in his jeans and she smiled coquettishly. There was no hiding Cody’s desire or excitement. But still something was bugging him, calling him through the heat of lust. As they moved to the big soft bed, Joanna started to shed her clothes. Her blouse fell away to reveal a fine slender body with full breasts supported in a lacy bra. She unzipped her skirt and wriggled it to the floor. Cody ravaged her full hips and smooth looking thighs with his eyes. She wore maroon lace underwear. She looked fantastic, packaged to perfection. In his lust-filled gaze, Joanna shifted her body to tempt him further.
    “Joanna…” said Cody, unable to gather his thoughts as his eyes roamed her body.
    “So then, I think we’ve fixed the sleeping arrangements,” she said, turning to Cody by the bed. She pulled him in close and now he saw more definition in her face, evidence of her ten years age difference. There was beauty within it all. They kissed softly, then ravenously, and she slid down onto the bed, gently tugging Cody to lie on top of her. His worries about their business relationship and future appeared and subsided as Cody got lost in lust and sensation. As yet he hadn’t asked her anything about herself, and it bothered him mildly within the lust and the intoxicating taste of her. Who was this sexy, classy woman? She was his agent yes, and he was about to make love to her, and he didn’t know where it was leading, or where it would end… He thought of Ashley’s texts. Then he thought of Ashley, who he knew so well inside a week it felt like he’d known her his whole life.
    Her tongue filled his mouth and danced with his. Her hand cupped his face. Her left hand. Cody’s eyes caught hold of the pale line of skin around her ring finger, the finger where marriage rings are worn. The skin there was slightly sunken and paler than the rest. Ten seconds later Cody broke the kiss.
    “Joanna, you are so

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