Quick, Amanda

Quick, Amanda by Surrender Read Free Book Online

Book: Quick, Amanda by Surrender Read Free Book Online
Authors: Surrender
clattered into motion." You look very well turned out this
    evening, Vicky. Do I detect Brummel’s influence in your choice of blue? He is particularly fond of the
    color, I'm told. But you have always preferred yellow."

    "I decided a yellow coat might be a bit too striking for the occasion,"Victoria conceded.

    "So you limited yourself to a yellow waistcoat. I congratulate you on your sense of restraint. And, pray
    tell, who tied your cravat? I warrant I haven't seen such a clever design in ages."

    "Like it, do you?"Victoria fingered the carefully arranged neckcloth. " Invented this particular fold myself.
    Call it the Victoire."

    Annabella gave a peal of laughter." Vicky, I swear you sound just like one of the dandies onBond Street
    . You've got the whole tone exactly right. Just the proper sense of affected boredom. I declare you could
    trod the boards and make your living as an actress."

    "Why, thank you, Bella. That is high praise indeed."

    Lucas lounged back in the seat and surveyed the striking figure beside him with a critical eye. His initial
    shock was giving way to annoyance and a certain uneasiness that was new to him. It was clear Victoria
    Huntington was fond of mischief, and this brand of mischief could land her in serious trouble.

    "Do you go about like this often, Miss Huntington?" Lucas was aware he had automatically used the tone
    of voice that in the past he had reserved for young officers under his command who had landed
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    themselves in trouble. He could not help himself. He was irritated.

    "This is my first experiment with men's clothes, sir. But to be truthful, I shall probably be strongly
    tempted to try it again in the future. I find that the masculine attire affords me far more freedom than I
    have when I wear women's clothes,"Victoria admitted.

    "It certainly affords you a far greater opportunity for bringing down a wave of humiliation and social
    disaster on your lovely head, Miss Huntington. If it got out that you have a taste for running
    aroundLondon at night dressed as a man, your reputation would be in shreds within twenty-four hours."

    Victoriawrapped her fingers even more firmly around the handle of her walking stick. "What an odd
    thing for you to say, sir. Do you know, your attitude quite takes me by surprise. I would have thought
    you less of a prig. I suppose the card game at the ball misled me. Don't you have any taste for adventure?
    No, I suppose you don't. You are, after all, a good friend of Lady Atherton's are you not?"

    The woman was deliberately baiting him. Lucas wished very strongly that they were
    alone in the carriage. "I do not know what you are implying, Miss Huntington, but I assure you, Lady
    Atherton is above reproach."

    "Well, yes, that is just the point. Everyone knows Jessica Atherton would never in a million years allow
    herself to be found in this carriage on her way to the fair tonight,"Victoria declared.

    Annabella giggled again " That is certainly the truth."

    "Are you implying Lady Atherton is a prig?" Lucas demanded.
    Victoriashrugged, the movement surprisingly sensual in the well-cut jacket. "I mean no offense, my lord.
    Just that she isn't the sort of female who enjoys adventure. One naturally has to assume that her friends
    are equally limited in their choice of entertainment and equally disapproving of those who have broader
    "And you are a woman who enjoys adventure?" Stonevale baited.

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    "Oh, yes, my lord. I enjoy it very much."

    "Even though it carries with it the risk of ruining yourself in Society?"

    "There would be no real adventure if there were no real risk, would there, my lord? I would have
    thought a successful gamester such as yourself would understand that."

    Her words made him more uneasy than ever." You may be right, Miss Huntington. But I have always

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