Right. Yes.
Go on.
Robbie And he looked so . . . I felt sorry for him, alright? But then he says: ‘How about this? How about you give me the E? Give me the E now then later, at the end, you can come back to mine and we can get the money from my jeans.’
Lulu Right so he was luring you. Luring you back to his / place.
Robbie No.
Lulu Get you back to his so that he could pull the gun / or whatever.
Robbie No.
Lulu And get the Es off you.
Robbie No, it didn’t happen. That’s not it.
Lulu No?
Robbie No.
So I said yes. It’s a deal. And I gave him the E and he takes it and I watch him and he’s dancing and he’s sweating and smiling and he looks – well – beautiful and just really really happy.
Lulu How many?
Robbie What?
Lulu You broke the first rule – yes? Yes?
Robbie Yes.
Lulu How many?
Robbie I was out there on my own.
Lulu How many?
Robbie Three. Maybe four.
Lulu Shit. I told you. Rule number one.
Robbie I know.
But then, a few minutes later. A bloke. Even better, yes, even better looking than the last bloke. And he says: ‘Look, you gave my mate some E and I was wondering, I get paid at the end of the week and if I give you my phone number will you give me a couple of E?’
Lulu You didn’t?
Robbie Yes.
Lulu Fuck.
Robbie And I felt good, I felt amazing, from just giving, you see?
Lulu No, no I don’t.
Robbie But imagine. Imagine you’re there, imagine how it feels.
Lulu No.
Robbie And then – it sort of rolled. It flew.
Lulu You prick. Three hundred.
Robbie Until there’s these guys, they’re asking and I’m giving and everyone’s dancing and smiling.
Lulu Three hundred E. / Silly prick.
Robbie Listen, listen to me. This is what I felt.
Lulu I don’t want to know. / You gave away three hundred.
Robbie It’s important.
Lulu No. Stupid. Fucking. / Cunt.
Robbie Just listen for a moment, OK?
Listen, this is the important bit. If you’d felt . . . I felt. I was looking down on this planet. Spaceman over this earth. And I see this kid in Rwanda, crying, but he doesn’t know why. And this granny in Kiev, selling everything she’s ever owned. And this president in Bogota or . . . South America. And I see the suffering. And the wars. And the grab, grab, grab.
And I think: Fuck Money. Fuck it. This selling. This buying. This system. Fuck the bitching world and let’s be . . . beautiful. Beautiful. And happy. You see?
You see?
But now you see, but then I’ve only got two left and this bloke comes up and says: ‘You the bloke giving out the E?’ I give him the two but he says ‘What two? Two. Two’s not going to do shit for me. You gotta have more.’ And he starts to hit, he starts to punch me.
Lulu Fucking fucker arsehole. Fuck.
Pillowbiter. (
Hit .
) Shitstabber. (
Hit .
Boys grow up you know and stop playing with each other’s willies. Men and women make the future. There are people out there who need me. Normal people who have kind tidy sex and when they want it. And boys? Boys just fuck each other.
The suffering is going to be handed out. And I shouldn’t be part of that. But it’ll be both of us. And that’s not justice. Is it?
You look like shit now. Look like you might get (
Throws the bottle of TCP into
’s eyes
.) gangrene.
Lulu .
Robbie Nurse. Nurse.
Scene Eight
Gary .
Gary I knew it wasn’t right. I went to the council.
And I said to her, look, it’s simple: he’s fucking me.
Once, twice, three times a week he comes into my room.
He’s a big man. He holds me down and he fucks me. How long? she says. About two
Katie Raynes, Joseph R.G. DeMarco, Lyn C.A. Gardner, William P. Coleman, Rajan Khanna, Michael G. Cornelius, Vincent Kovar, J.R. Campbell, Stephen Osborne, Elka Cloke