RBC06.50 - Marcella, Vampire Mage

RBC06.50 - Marcella, Vampire Mage by Elizabeth Loraine Read Free Book Online

Book: RBC06.50 - Marcella, Vampire Mage by Elizabeth Loraine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Loraine
Tags: Magic, vampire, mage
Kate and you already met Katrina.”
    “Nice to meet you, Richard,” Letta said, speaking for the group.
    “I hear you had quite an adventure.”
    “Yes, Marcella really saved the day.”
    “Where’s your other friend?” Katrina wondered.
    “Her father arrived and he’s taken her home already.”
    Katrina smiled. “Good, what are you two up to this afternoon?”
    “I was thinking if Allwain or Tao had time, we could have some lessons here.”
    “I’m sure he’ll make time for you. Well, if you’ll excuse us, we need to get cleaned up.”
    We watched them walk away, chatting and laughing with each other like they always did.
    “Gorgeous, aren’t they?” I was proud of them.
    “Yes they are. It runs in your family I guess.”
    I felt my cheeks heat. “Maybe we should get cleaned up too. It has been a long night.”
    “I wasn’t tired until you said that.”
    “Come on, the guest wing is this way.”
    “I love this place. Not only because it’s beautiful. But it just feels so good, you know?”
    “Yes, I know. Here we are. I’m sure you’ll find everything you need inside. If not, I’ll be just down the hall.”
    I washed up and took a nice long nap.
    Now as I splashed my face with water and then dissolved a crimson tablet under my tongue, I felt refreshed.
    I walked outside and over to the stone balcony that overlooked the courtyard of the guest wing.
    “Your friend is still sleeping.”
    I jerked around to see Kaer standing ten feet away.
    “I didn’t mean to frighten you. Nira let me come to check on you. I was worried when you didn’t return.”
    “I’m fine, you just startled me.”
    “You are coming back, aren’t you?”
    “Yes, I just wanted to rest here for a day.”
    “I’ve never been away from my kingdom before. This is so different than living in the forest.”
    “It suits you though; a castle, I mean.”
    “I want to go up there,” Kaer said, pointing to the tallest turret.
    “One of my favorite spots as well. Let’s go.”
    “Did you find out who opened the willow tree?”
    Kaer frowned. “No one would admit to it. Now that we have changed the magic, so that only Mother or I can open them. That makes it dangerous, if escape is needed.”
    “Nira could help. She could make a truth potion.”
    Kaer shook his head. “Outsiders, no matter how well-meaning, are not allowed to interfere. It’s one of the many conditions laid out in order for us to live together.”
    “But she wouldn’t have to give it herself. In fact we could make you one here. You could give it to them in the water without anyone knowing. It’s your choice as Prince.”
    “Let me think about it.”
    “It’s a long way up,” I said, as we reached the base of the tower.
    Kaer smiled. “Not for me.”
    He stepped closer, grasping me around the waist with his right arm. We floated effortlessly around the stone spiral staircase until we reached the top.
    Then looking deeply into my eyes, gently setting me down, he reluctantly stepped away. We moved to the edge and looked out onto the magnificent countryside.
    “It so clear today, you can see over ten miles of Von Dracek land in every direction.”
    “I don’t have words.”
    Silently we stood together and took in the beauty before us.
    “Did the willow take you where you thought it would?” he asked.
    “Yes, to Althar. It was hard for me to be back there again, after living here for so many months.”
    He turned towards me. “But you did it anyway. You didn’t have to, but you did, and you achieved your goal. If the stories of Katrina are true, you are a lot like her.”
    “That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. If I could be even a little like her, or any of the Five, I would be very proud.”
    “Then be proud.”
    Kaer smiled and held out his hand to me, which I took. We looked out into the landscape again, watching an eagle snatch a fish from the lake below.
    “Can you stay for dinner? With her Father in America, Katrina

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