
ReclaimedSurrender by Riley Murphy Read Free Book Online

Book: ReclaimedSurrender by Riley Murphy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Riley Murphy
nodded. The poor guy looked as if someone had shit in
his ice cream. She was used to this type of reaction. A lot of people hated to
hang with the owner’s wife. That’s what she always found so refreshing about
Michael. He didn’t seem to care.
    For a full hour, Alexis sat with the group, trying to follow
the conversation while at the same time keeping an eye on the door. After
another half an hour passed, and she realized Rene wasn’t going to show, her
heart sank and she made her excuses.
    At the coat check her phone rang. Thinking it was Rene, she
didn’t look at the caller ID, just answered, “Where are you?”
    “Sitting at your desk. Where are you?”
    “Yes, were you expecting someone else?”
    She accepted her coat from the girl and walked toward the
entrance. “I thought you were Rene. He was supposed to meet me at Morelly’s.”
    “You’re there? I must have just missed you.”
    “Sure, about an hour and a half ago. And hey, what was with
lunch today? I saw you down at Santo’s eating. Don’t I rate an invite?” She
figured if she behaved as normal as possible, maybe he wouldn’t bring up
anything uncomfortable.
    “Why didn’t you come to me?”
    “I didn’t join you and the gang because I was busy. Doing
‘our’ work.” That off-the-cuff comment was met with silence. Gee, she sounded
kind of bitchy. Taking a deep breath, she held it for a second then let it go.
“Sorry. What’s up?”
    “I need your help.”
    After he explained about the problem he was having, Alexis
told him she’d be to the office early in the morning to give him a hand.
    “That will be fine. Now, did you say you’re meeting with
Rene? Why?”
    Alexis shrugged into her coat, switching her phone from one
hand to the other. “Why what? He is my husband.” She thought now was the
perfect time to remind him of that fact.
    “He stood you up, didn’t he?”
    She didn’t want to answer that. “Look, I’m kind of in the
middle of something with him.”
    “Al, tell me. Did he stand you up?”
    She rolled her eyes. “Yes, but it’s not what you think. It’s
    She wasn’t about to explain to him the dynamics of her and
Rene’s special relationship . She’d come close to admitting it to him
months ago. So close that she thought he might have suspected. But suspecting
and being told point-blank were two different things. She certainly wasn’t
going to start sharing intimate details now. Especially when she hardly
understood things herself and Michael was “not sorry” about that kiss. “Look,
I’ve got to go.”
    “He’s playing you. Tell me, were you looking forward to
seeing him there?”
    “W-what?” She needed to stall. He always made so much sense
and knew things. He’s a guy, he knows the code.
    “You better not have been looking forward to seeing him
there. If you were, Al, I hope you know that’s exactly what he wanted.”
    Alexis denied it and by the time she got off the phone and
into her car she really was furious. How dare Rene do this to her? Play on her
weakness for him. Make her all hot and expectant and needy. Michael was right
about one thing. She’d have to be more careful.
    * * * * *
    Rene was at his desk working on his laptop when Alex stormed
in. She looked awesome. Burnished blonde hair a mass of wavy ribbons around her
face. A face that was dominated by stunning green eyes that sparkled over her
prettily flushed cheeks. He almost groaned when he saw her pout. Her lips were
full at the best of times, but when she pouted the sight was heaven and
reminded him of all the hellishly good times he’d had using that mouth for his
    “Are we even now?”
    He eyed her over the rim of his readers. “Even?”
    “Yeah, you invite me to Morelly’s and then you’re a no-show.
Quid pro quo. Tit-for-tat. And quit doing that with the glasses. You know how
much it annoys me.”
    Actually he knew how much it turned her on. That’s why he
did it, but she

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