Red Letter Day

Red Letter Day by Colette Caddle Read Free Book Online

Book: Red Letter Day by Colette Caddle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Colette Caddle
Tags: FIC000000
could have that now. It looks like someone's been expecting you.'
    Celine smiled when she saw the milk, butter and bottle of wine. She opened the cupboard above and not only was there a fresh jar of coffee and a box of teabags, but biscuits too. 'Oh, isn't that nice?'
    'Very kind.'
    'But I still think we should do the shopping first.The later we leave it the worse it will be.'
    'You're right.' After a longing look at the chocolate biscuits, Frank followed her to the door.
    Celine smiled at him. 'Thanks for this, Daddy, I appreciate the help.'
    'Sure if I didn't help you, who would? Oh, I didn't mean—'
    'It's okay, Daddy. Let's go.' Before joining her father in the car again, Celine nipped in to say hello to Rose and ask her about the immersion.
    'He said it would be taken care of sometime today.'
    'Oh, but I'm off to do a bit of shopping.'
    'No problem, I'll let him in.'
    Celine smiled. 'Thanks, Rose, and thanks for stocking the fridge.'
    Rose winked. 'Oh, just the bare essentials, that's all.'
    'Maybe you'd like to join me and my dad for a glass of that wine after you've closed up?'
    'Well, I'd love to!'
    'Great! See you later.'
    The rest of the afternoon went by in a flash, as Celine and Frank followed the supermarket trip with a visit to the local DIY shop where Celine bought a mop and bucket, a small table lamp, a pretty set of mugs and a cheap but cheerful cutlery set.
    'Why didn't you bring this stuff from the cottage?' Frank asked as he lugged the purchases out to the car.
    'Because it's being rented fully furnished.'
    'They'll probably wreck the place,' Frank warned.
    'Don't worry, I've hidden all the good stuff.' Celine knew her father was thinking about her mother's china dinner service and silver that he had given her when she got married. 'It's all safely under lock and key in Dermot's office.'
    'You don't know what kind of people might rent it.'
    Celine scowled as they got into the car. 'Don't say that, Daddy! I won't be able to sleep worrying about the place!'
    'You don't worry about a thing. I told you I'll be watching.'
    'Any chance of a cup of tea now?' he asked as he drove back to the flat.
    'Tea and a sandwich and cakes too,' Celine told him. 'I stocked up.'
    Frank patted his stomach. 'I'm glad to hear it. It seems a very long time since breakfast.'
    Celine checked her watch. 'Oh, goodness, it's nearly five! Sorry, Daddy, I had no idea it was so late.'
    'You're just like your mother. Once you start shopping you completely forget about time.'
    Celine said nothing. That might have been true once but these days her shopping trips were functional.
    Her father pulled into a parking spot right outside the shop. 'Now that was lucky!'
    'Yeah, great, only we still have to carry everything upstairs.'
    Frank got out and drew himself up to his full six feet one. 'No problem. You go and put the kettle on and I'll take care of all this.'
    'Do a few trips, Daddy,' Celine warned. 'I don't want you putting your back out.' Grabbing a couple of the supermarket bags, she opened the front door and went upstairs. 'Oh! Hi!' She stopped in the doorway when she saw two legs in very dirty jeans sticking out of the airing cupboard.
    'Out in a minute,' a voice called.
    Celine dropped her bags and went to put on the kettle. As she was unpacking the groceries, her father arrived with the first load. 'Here you are — oh, hello there. Come to fix the immersion, have you?'
    'That's right.'
    Celine's eyes widened as the man crawled out of the cupboard and stood up. His hair was brown and wavy and a little too long for her liking but his eyes were like dark pools of sherry — like a faithful dog, she thought. And the legs were attached to a very attractive, athletic body clad in an old rugby shirt.
    'It should be okay now. If you have any problems, tell Rose and I'll drop back.'
    'Thanks.' Celine turned around to find her bag. She pulled out a ten Euro note and held it out to him.
    'Oh, no, no, that's okay. Seeya.' And he was

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