Reilly's Wildcard

Reilly's Wildcard by Anne Rainey Read Free Book Online

Book: Reilly's Wildcard by Anne Rainey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Rainey
Tags: Romance, Blackwater
“He’s so dense, I swear.”
    “We’re in agreement there, but don’t give up on him, sweetie. You’re good for him. He just needs a swift kick in the ass, that’s all.”
    “And a wakeup call, if you ask me,” she gritted out as she took another drink of her beer.
    “So, give him one.” Reilly’s mind spun with the possibilities.
    “Huh?” Jeanette stood and dropped the empty bottle in the trash and took out two more. “What do you mean?”
    Reilly grabbed one and shrugged. “Maybe it’s time you show him another side of Jeanette Munroe.” He looked her over, noting the baggy jeans and sweatshirt. Her hair was pulled up into a high, messy ponytail. She looked all of eighteen, young and innocent, which was at least half the reason River steered clear of anything physical with Jeanette. “Show him a…softer side.”
    She glanced down at herself, then looked back over at him. “I’m not soft?”
    Uh-oh, dangerous ground. “I just mean maybe you should sex it up a little.” He pointed to her jeans. “Short skirt, tight shirt. Wear your hair down for a change. Prove to my idiot brother that you aren’t just a buddy. Show him that you’re a gorgeous woman, with a woman’s needs.”
    A slow grin spread across her face. “Bait, you mean.”
    “Yeah.” Reilly bobbed his eyebrows. “But sexy bait.”
    “You know, I like the way you think.” She tapped her lips with an index finger and asked, “Why couldn’t I have fallen for you instead?”
    Reilly snorted. “Because I’d be putty in your hands and we both know it. Let’s face it, sweetie, you like a challenge.”
    She rolled her eyes. “Your brother is challenging, that’s for sure. He challenges my sanity on a daily basis.”
    Reilly stood, plucked the beer out of her hand and placed it on the counter. “Now that we’ve plotted my brother’s downfall, you better get your butt to bed.”
    “It’s late, sorry.” She took her keys out of her sweatshirt pocket and headed for the door.
    Reilly snagged her hood in his hand and brought her to a halt. “Where do you think you’re going?”
    She turned, aiming a scowl at him. “Home, where else?”
    “You’re a total lightweight, girlie, and you drank both of those beers way too fast.” He pointed to the other room and said, “You’re staying in the guestroom.”
    She shrugged and dropped her keys back into her pocket. “Suits me just fine. I’m too tired to drive anyway.”
    He gave her ponytail a playful tug and said, “Sweet dreams.”
    She nodded and started out of the room, then stopped suddenly and turned. “Thanks, Reilly. I really needed a friend tonight.”
    He winked. “Always, sweetie.”
    She smiled, then walked away. Now, if only he could get his own love life on the right track, he’d be in business, but something told him that Lucy was going to give him trouble. A whole lot of trouble.

Chapter Four
    Present day…
    Lucy stared at the little plastic stick in her hand, willing it to change. But it didn’t. The little plus sign wasn’t going away. It was the second test she’d taken.
    She was pregnant. Reilly Jennings was about to be a father.
    The first thing she needed to do was tell him. This was one meeting she wanted to avoid like the plague. Damn.
    “My first and only one-night stand and I end up pregnant?” She glanced over and saw the empty bottle of antibiotics sitting on the counter. She picked it up, and a sick feeling took hold in the pit of her stomach. She’d had to take them for a tooth infection. Right about the same time she’d met Reilly. Antibiotics could sometimes interfere with birth control pills, right? Lucy remembered the dentist saying something about that at the time. She hadn’t paid much attention because she hadn’t been dating anyone then. “Crap,” she grumbled.
    She wanted to shout to the heavens at the unfairness of it. Fat lot of good that would do. “A baby. Whoa. I can’t be a mother! I can barely take care of myself.

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