Reluctant Prince

Reluctant Prince by Dani-Lyn Alexander Read Free Book Online

Book: Reluctant Prince by Dani-Lyn Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dani-Lyn Alexander
Tags: Romance, Adult, Action, Dragons, Betrayal, castle, &NEW, 978-1-61650-567-7, Kingdom, of, Cymmera, realm
courtyard. Three entrances opened up to the empty space, the door he now occupied, a walkway leading between the bushes and around the building, and the service alley, which led to the parking lot.
    Jackson trusted his father to honor the three-month reprieve he’d agreed to, but what of their enemy? Daygan possessed his own seer. Would he know to send someone to retrieve the girl?
    He returned to Ryleigh. “I’m going to carry you outside. Stay hidden in the shadows until I pull the car up.”
    “Do you really think that’s necessary?”
    “Do you want to get caught?” Urgency beat at him.
    “I’m sure I can walk.”
    “No time. It’ll be quicker if I carry you.”
    “Can’t you just push me in the wheel chair?”
    “No ramp.” Ignoring her protests, he lifted her from the chair. “Come on Mia, stay right with me.”
    She practically glued herself to his side as they maneuvered through the doorway.
    He lowered Ryleigh to the ground. “Stay here, don’t move and keep your heads down.” A small lamp shone on the opposite side of the door, and he reached for the well of energy within him. Concentrated. He searched for the ball of light in his core, desperate to extinguish the light with a burst of energy. Nothing. Damn. Fairly certain the girls remained concealed in the shadows, he abandoned his efforts. No sense wasting time. He ran down the alley, staying as close to the building as possible. Fear consumed him. He had to get back to Ryleigh and Mia.
    He flattened his back against the wall and peered around the corner. It would only take a few seconds to reach the first row of cars before he’d have at least some cover again. He searched the empty parking lot. Quiet. Too quiet. He tried to reach out with his extra senses. Nothing. He had to get used to being stripped of his powers. He inhaled deeply and ran.
    The impact came from his right side with no warning. He went down hard, dragging his attacker with him as he rolled. He circled his right arm around his opponent’s throat, threw his weight back and snapped the other man’s neck. In one fluid motion, he dumped the lifeless body to the ground and sprang to his feet.
    Even without use of his powers, his speed surpassed that of any human. The alley sped past him in a blur, and seconds after he’d disposed of Daygan’s minion he stood at the back entrance to the hospital. Face to face with Kai.
    “What are you doing here?” Jackson forced his strained breathing to slow.
    Kai laughed. “Babysitting, of course. Someone has to keep an eye on you, so your father sent me.” He held Ryleigh’s back pressed against him, his arm draped across her neck, one hand gripping her shoulder as he stroked her hair.
    “Let go of me!” Ryleigh gripped his arm, struggling to loosen his hold on her.
    “Release her, Kai.” Jackson wanted to tell her to save her energy, wanted to scream for her to wait for his signal before moving. Instead, he remained silent, watched, waited, searched for an opening. He took one step closer.
    Kai’s grip tightened. “And why would I release her, My Prince ?” He spat the last out with bitterness and contempt. “Because you ordered me to? I trained you for hundreds of years to take my place. And how do you repay me? You fail. Did I teach you nothing? If my king demanded I retrieve the girl, I would have followed his orders.”
    “I said, release her, Kai. Now. That’s a direct order.”
    Kai laughed harder. A vicious laugh that held no humor, only hostility. The warrior could already have escaped to Cymmera. Could have easily snapped Ryleigh’s neck and taken her. But his arrogance wouldn’t allow it, nor would his respect for the king. He only wanted to torment Jackson, flaunt his superiority over his young protégé.
    That would prove to be a critical mistake, if Jackson could just get Ryleigh out of harm’s way.
    “I thought you might enjoy watching how it’s done, thought maybe I’d man you up a little.”

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