Remember Remember

Remember Remember by Alan Wade Read Free Book Online

Book: Remember Remember by Alan Wade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alan Wade
Tags: thriller, adventure, Espionage, Action, Terrorism, spy, Intelligence, surveillance, WMD, AlQaeda
could be groomed to become effective agents.
    Secondly Al-Qaeda would look to recruit disaffected people who would be prepared to fight for their cause and be paid substantial sums of money for success.
    Women and children from such countries as Chechnya, Palestine and Chad may have such a hatred for how they and their families had been treated that they might welcome the chance of revenge,
    While Westerners, male or female who were disillusioned or just plain greedy might be recruited to the cause.
    Agreed actions : With immediate effect recruitment would begin of women, children and mercenaries.
    Financial profile: It was understood that all known Al-Qaeda bank accounts would be frozen therefore a different approach to funding must be found.
    Agreed actions : Many new countries were developing from the former Soviet republic and other small European countries were trying to join the EU. To each country a team of financiers would be appointed to purchase existing companies who might in the future trade with the EU and the United States. All purchases would be bona-fide business deals with finance coming through Swiss bankers. No financier would be used who had visited an Al-Qaeda training camp. The financiers would be able to divert monies from each company to finance future Al-Qaeda operations. Also Al-Qaeda would approach all Muslim countries to offer protection against terrorist attacks on their soil in return for substantial financial backing.
    Profile of Operations : Within 18 months the west would know of the type of attack to expect from Al-Qaeda, which would include;
    Attacks by or on aeroplanes.
    Attacks by car bombs.
    The use of dirty bombs, gas and germ warfare.
    The West’s mentality was also to think of big targets and big bombs and they would protect high profile people and places accordingly.
    Agreed actions : Al-Qaeda would expand their operations across a much broader spectrum and look for other methods to work on a micro scale which may well deliver far more devastation to their enemies.
    Lots of Little Things it was agreed could cause as much unrest and upheaval as one or two major incidents and combined they may seriously affect the governments of western countries.
    The west had total supremacy over modern technology and communications, but with that supremacy they had lost the personal, grass roots information gathering techniques which may help Al-Qaeda.
    Agreed actions;
    All Al-Qaeda operatives would now communicate by word of mouth or encrypted letter. This it was acknowledged would take time but would increase security while reducing detection. It may also give them up to a five year advantage until the west reinstated local security agents.
    Working groups : Virtually all detections by the west had been through electronic surveillance or computer profiling, often because groups had been too large and undisciplined.
    Agreed actions:
    Future working groups would be better trained in covert operations, would be more professional, would be smaller in number and would have access to local clean money which would be delivered by the agreed financial route. These small groups would in effect be employed by the companies purchased through the financiers and be paid accordingly, but with access to larger funds when needed for operations.
    The facts were clear that virtually every time any form of electronic communication was made the West had the technology to identify it and act upon it.
    Targets would be set now and delivered by word of mouth; some of these targets would have a one to two year attack profile, others a twenty year attack profile.
    One of the weaknesses of the West may well be exploited by this long term approach as their governments could change often within this time scale, along with their policy, strategy and actions. America especially may change its foreign policy with a more liberal thinking president and in light of the mounting number of

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