Remembering You: Pushing the Boundaries, Prequel

Remembering You: Pushing the Boundaries, Prequel by Audra North Read Free Book Online

Book: Remembering You: Pushing the Boundaries, Prequel by Audra North Read Free Book Online
Authors: Audra North
Tags: Contemporary romance;SWAT romance;journalist heroine;officer hero
this part of downtown at this time of night, but still…he’d completely forgotten everything else but her. Them.
    A journalist, for fuck’s sake.
    And somehow, he couldn’t seem to muster up the animosity he usually felt toward the press. In fact, what he was feeling was something very, very far from animosity…
    He took a few deep breaths and looked at her.
    Flushed, even in the dim light from the street lamps. Lips swollen from his kisses. Wide-eyed, panting, needy…
    Fuck it. They needed to get out of here. To where, he wasn’t sure, but…somewhere else.
    “Where are you parked?” He practically growled it.
    She moved her head slowly to the side, almost dreamily, pointing in the direction of Whitehall Avenue. “I’m in Center Garage.”
    Of course. Because their lives seemed determined to intertwine today.
    “I’m parked there too,” he breathed out, not sure how to ask her for what he wanted so badly.
    But turned out she did the asking for him. “Why don’t I follow you home, then?” she purred. “You know, to make sure you get there safely.” She stepped forward and punctuated her offer by licking the cords of his neck.
    God, he already adored this woman. She knew exactly how to handle him. Except at this rate, they wouldn’t even make it to the parking garage before he pushed her against a wall, yanked her pants down and wrapped her legs around his waist. He didn’t bother questioning that he’d do it, even though he had never, ever done such a thing in his life.
    “Let’s go,” he managed to get out before grabbing Nina’s hand and walking toward the garage.
    They took turns surging ahead, pulling the other one along, and when they got inside the garage, he recognized her car immediately from the big dent in the bumper.
    Plus, he’d memorized her plates.
    Against the car, he kissed her again, thrusting his tongue gently until she pulled away. “I hope your place is fit for company, Crewes.”
    He grinned at her use of his last name. “I’ve got a bed, if that’s what you mean.”
    She stilled for a minute, and he immediately regretted his words. He hoped he hadn’t offended her. He hadn’t intended it to come out so crudely. Or maybe he had, but he meant it in a good way, not an offensive—
    But then she whispered, “I’m not sure we’ll make it all the way to your bedroom.”
    He groaned and yanked open her driver’s side door, and she slid behind the wheel, buckling her seatbelt before turning back to him for a quick, rough kiss.
    “Are you sure you’re okay to drive?” He searched her face for any signs of inebriation. She looked pretty sober now. Sober and sexy.
    She nodded. “I promise. I’ll be fine as long as you don’t drive like a granny. Then I might be forced to tail you and flash my lights and honk my horn.”
    “I should have known you’d be the kind with road rage.”
    “Not rage. Just skilled enough to find other people frustrating. Try driving in Africa sometime.”
    He gave her a last, quick kiss. “I’ll take my chances on the 116.” That was the freeway leading to the west of Greenbriar and the one they’d both been driving when he had rear-ended her this morning. “My car is one level up. I’ll pull right around here and you can follow me home.”
    He shut her driver’s door, then turned and sprinted to the stairwell, taking the stairs two at a time. Thank God for all those punishing workouts and training sessions that kept him in great shape. Every minute he spent away from Nina was a minute he lost in kissing her, touching her and sliding in and out of her luscious body.
    He reached his car, unlocked it, jumped in and pulled out of his parking space in record time. The garage was fairly deserted at this time of night on a Monday, and he was in front of Nina’s car in less than a minute.
    Please don’t let her change her mind.
    He’d never wanted a woman this much before. He’d never needed a woman like this, like he would die if he

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