this term. And, well, it just seems right. I’ve suddenly realised that music is probably the most important thing in my life and I have to do something about it.’
Carol looked embarrassed. She was naturally modest and found it hard to discuss her musical ambitions when she already excelled at sports and was expected to get straight top grades in her exams. Seeing that her closest friend still stared at her mutely, she tried to explain further.
‘I think what finally did it was singing Verdi’s Requiem with the County Youth Choir before Easter. Suddenly, during the ‘Offertorio’ when the soprano comes in above the other voices, so sweetly, so quietly, I knew that’s what I’ve got to do . I looked above me to the roof of the cathedral and I just knew I had to go on singing and performing as far as my voice would let me.’
The four of them had been in the Youth Choir that year. Theperformance had received excellent reviews. Deborah started to understand why Carol had changed her mind so dramatically and firmly. Not only did she have a beautiful voice, but when she sang she sang from her soul. More than once, Deborah had been moved to tears as she listened. It was a glorious gift, which they’d all somehow just accepted; Carol was such a special person. Octavia, though, was still struggling to understand.
‘But what about being a doctor? You always said you wanted to help people – and earn decent money to look after your family. And singing, well—’
‘Look,’ interrupted Kate, ‘there’s someone waving to us from over there. I think it’s Sticky.’ She glanced at her watch. ‘Good grief, look at the time. It’s nearly 3.15 and we were due back at three o’clock at the latest. They’ll have been worried sick. Come on!’
All five leapt up and started back at a run – all except Octavia who walked at her own pace, increasingly falling behind. When Carol glanced back over her shoulder, she broke her stride and turned to rejoin her friend. Together, they started a slow jog along the cliff top.
Deborah, the least fit and slowest, found herself panting with a stitch between Leslie and Kate, way ahead, and Octavia and Carol behind, but close enough for her to hear some of their conversation.
‘You’re crazy, you know. Music is an awful career. I should know, look what it’s done to my mum and dad.’ Octavia’s protesting voice carried all the concern of a worried parent. ‘You don’t know what you’ll be getting into. It’s a cut-throat world – you’re just not tough enough.’
‘I can toughen up.’
‘Oh, come on, you’re little Miss Softie. Even in games you only win because of skill and speed, you’ve no aggression. And anyway, what do your parents think? And your aunt and uncle – what about them?’
‘They’re all dead against it, of course. Can’t understand me, think I’m crazy. Auntie even blamed you at first but I told heryou didn’t even know. No, they’re still convinced I should take up medicine. Apparently they’d even started saving against the time I would go to university but they’ve made it clear they won’t be wasting money on music!’
‘What, you mean they won’t support you? How on earth are you going to be able to study then?’
‘I’ll think of something. I already have one idea. Please try to understand, Octavia, this means a lot to me.’ Carol stopped and grasped her friend’s hands. ‘We both have the same problems – parents who have no money and ambitions that are beyond us. But it hasn’t stopped you being determined so I don’t see why I should give up without at least a damned good try.’
‘You’re mad. I’ve been planning this and working towards it for years. I know you’ve got talent but you’re basically untrained. Have you spoken to Miss Sharpe yet? She’ll be bitterly disappointed – she had you marked out as her star of the form.’
Carol’s reply was lost in Deborah’s panting breath as she plodded her way