Reset: A Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Fantasy (Contaminant Series Book 1)
they received had a much different feel.  They felt foreign, apart from.  Only a few of the soldiers mingled with the inhabitants of the university if only to get laid.
    Anna added quietly, “He also mentioned that he disclosed a few weeks ago.”
    Michael’s head snapped back and forth between Anna and Jenna, “And you’re just now finding out?!”
    Jenna rubbed his arm and added in a low voice, “I’m positive it was only because Lieutenant Vasquez wanted his soldiers checked.  Apparently, he’s had another crew or two taking blood samples and testing it.  And, it’s not just the soldiers, but other departments too.”
    Michael quietly squawked out, “How long has this been going on?”
    Anna spoke in soft voice, “We don’t know.  We just found out.”
    Peter shook his head in disgust, “Does he think he’ll get brownie points for this crap?  It doesn’t even matter what he thinks.  Truth is, if we’ve found out, chances are that other facilities have as well.  It was only a matter of time.”
    The other three sat in silence and in agreement.  But, a commotion at the other end of the cafeteria brought them out of their stupor.  When they looked up, a soldier was hassling a family and the crowd around them was growing.  Peter shot a look of caution at Michael and stood, making his way over to the crowd.
    “There’s a list and he’s on it.  The kid comes with me.” The mother had him in a bear hug, refusing to let go.
    Michael recognized the father.  Joseph Stone was one of the scientists and a tough bastard.  He had told Michael and Peter once that despite the belly he’d grown, he used to be in the service years ago.  Now, he was demanding to speak to the soldier’s superior.
    The soldier only repeated his earlier command halfway shouting, “You can take it up with my superior at another time, but right now, he comes with me.”  The soldier could have been foaming at the mouth for the way he was acting.  His voice carried out the way that a rabid dog looked.
    Joe stood between him and his wife, “No.  He doesn’t.”
    The soldier went to strike Joe and found himself an even match.  The crowd involuntarily and partially formed a circle around the two men as they struggled.  The soldier was clearly being overwhelmed by sheer weight and determination.
    “Enough!” A loud voice reverberated throughout the cafeteria and brought the scuffle to a halt.  It had come from Lieutenant Vasquez who, with his piercing eyes, scanned the room.  He had gotten everyone’s attention and made his way through the crowd.
    “Listen up.  I’ve been recently informed that there may be a certain type of contamination… an after-effect of Crop-Dust.”
    People not in-the-know gasped and made all sorts of commotions.
    The Lieutenant continued, “We want to figure this thing out as much as you do.  But we will need your full cooperation.  We’ll need to quarantine those who are contaminated until we can find a cure.”
    Joe spoke out, “By FORCE?” The crowd booed.  It seemed to have closed in around Joe, the soldier and Lieutenant Vasquez.
    Lieutenant Vasquez turned to Joe, “I’m sorry about that.  But it does need to happen.  We can’t have the infected roaming around.  They could potentially spread it.
    Joe sneered, shaking his head like a neighing horse, “The infected?”
     Then he got angry, shouting “The INFECTED!?” He pointed back at them, “That’s my wife .  That’s my son .”
    Lieutenant Vasquez remained calm, “I understand your concerns…” He was promptly cut off.
    A man from the crowd shouted out, “MY ASS! We’ve been around them all this time, and nothing’s happened.”
    Someone else shouted out, “Yeah!”
    A symphony of voices rose up.  The Lieutenant tried to speak once more but was drowned out.  Joe looked at him and the soldier.  His determination was still on his face.
    Peter and Michael looked at each other, thinking the same thing.  The

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