Retribution: The Augmented Human Rebellion - Book 2

Retribution: The Augmented Human Rebellion - Book 2 by Terry Lefler Read Free Book Online

Book: Retribution: The Augmented Human Rebellion - Book 2 by Terry Lefler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terry Lefler
be no faking it on this mission.  The authentic
crew needs to be piloting the sacrificial vessel, and they must not know that
they are about to die.
    The choice comes down to a Food Delivery Transport, or an in-system
Shuttle Transport.  The Admiral selects the in-system Shuttle Transport,
because it will be easier to access.  The fleet of in-system Shuttles is
stationed on the 3 rd moon of the 6 th planet.  That
region is still well patrolled by Verm Warships but it is, comparatively
speaking, remote.
    Science Officer Barnard is directing the build of the control mechanism,
which will cause the Shuttle to veer off-course at the last moment, and to fly
into the tower.  There will also be a package of Q-4 explosives, which
will insure that the tower is destroyed when hit. 
    The plan is to gain access to the Shuttle, and to modify the control
system.  Everything will function normally until the Shuttle is close to
the Academy tower.  At that point the modification will take control of
the steering system, and will fly the Shuttle into the tower. 
    3rd moon of the 6 th planet in the Zarn System
    Tactical Officer Inchurito is in charge of the mission to modify the Verm shuttle, so that it will crash
into the tower at the Verm Military Academy.  His squad is transported to
the vicinity of the 3 rd moon of the 6 th planet, aboard an
asteroid.  The Darinx shuttle uses a blast of air to push off, from the
asteroid, when it is close to the 3 rd moon.  The shuttle then
coasts to a controlled crash landing.  The shuttle is hidden from Verm
sensors, because it stays on the back side of the moon.   It touches
down a hundred klicks from the Verm In-system Shuttle Facility.
    Officer Inchurito and his squad complete the 100 klick journey to the Facility, aboard a nuclear
powered buggy .  Regardless of its buggy appearance, it is perfect
for this job.  The nuclear energy power source is so low in radiation that
it will register as background noise to most surveillance equipment, and the
electrical noise from the 8 individual wheel motors is undetectable.  It’s
not fast, but it is very low in emissions.
    The Shuttle Facility is enclosed by an electrified fence.  The
Darinx squad gets busy digging a tunnel under the fence.  That mundane
task takes over 4 hours, and puts the mission behind schedule.
    Once the modification team is inside the Shuttle Facility they pick a
shuttle, which is surrounded by other shuttles, so that their presence will be
hidden.  Then they try to open the shuttles’ access door, with no
success.  That is why they brought Ensign Voorb . 
She is of the lithum species, and is expert at opening things.  The lithum species has a super sensitive touch
sense.  In addition to that natural gift, she also spent 2 years at the
Darinx Academy becoming an expert at opening things.  Every Darinx warship
has at least one Accessibility Specialist.
    Ensign Voorb quickly opens the access door, and the modification team enters the
shuttle.  Science Officer Barnard knows approximately how the control
mechanism on a Verm Shuttle will work - but he doesn’t know,
specifically.  That is why he had to personally accompany the modification
    The technician quickly removes the control box cover and stands aside, so
that Officer Barnard can work his magic .  The Science Officer
crawls part way into the assembly, and instructs his technician on how to
rewire the control module interface connector.  The Science Officer then wires
the control module into the Verm shuttle’s control system. 
    The Science Officer then quickly extricates himself, and makes room for
the explosives expert.  This part of the modification is the
easiest.  The explosives technician holds the package of Q-4 against the
control box wall and secures it with tape.
    And the modification is done.  The mission is running late, but they
take the time to replace all of the screws, and to clean up their mess. 
Then they make a hasty

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