th-th-thought telepaths only had verbal communication?”
“Most do, but Andrea and I are unusually close. It is difficult at the moment because she is many hours ahead of me. She is currently in her bed… touching.”
Tom heard Antonia’s skirt fall to the floor.
“Turn around, young sir.”
“I am pledged to Laura.” Tom stayed facing the bed.
Antonia’s fingers walked across his groin until they found their target.
“Laura would be Miss X in the hearing reports? We suspected she must be a Class A, though they were careful never to say. Does that feel good, Thomas Merlin Carter?”
“I m-m-must not.” Tom felt his resolve failing as the sensations intensified.
“And have you consummated your relationship with this Laura?”
Antonia laughed and withdrew her hands before Tom could explode.
“A girl should never marry an inexperienced man. Now turn around and let me teach you a thing or two. Andrea is getting highly impatient.”
5. Flight
He received his summons from Miss Grange as soon as he arrived at the first class of the day. Alice’s eyes followed him as he walked out of the room, as did most of the rest of the class. Being called to the Headmaster’s office was never good.
Tricky stood outside the Headmaster’s office and knocked firmly. He trembled as a familiar voice barked ‘enter’ and opened the door.
“Ah David, do come in and sit down.” Dr Glyn Thomas was young for a headmaster. In fact, he looked far too young to have a doctorate in the science of magic, but despite his youthful looks he was nearly thirty.
Recruited by Alistair McBride to investigate aberrant magic users he had tested and probed them at Glen Russell until Lord McBride met his death. Glyn was well aware that the children he tested were kidnapped, but the research had been too fascinating to abandon. Instead of the hangman’s noose he expected, he was offered the post of Headmaster at the school Military Magic set up to continue his investigations. He was grateful for the second chance they gave him.
Tricky didn’t sit, choosing instead to stand in front of the Headmaster’s desk. Glyn decided to overlook his blatant disobedience.
“You might wonder why I have summoned you.”
“If it’s about bunking off, well t’aint only me,” Tricky said defensively.
Glyn stopped in surprise. ‘ Some of the children were missing lessons ?’ He would have to investigate that when time permitted.
“No, it is about young Ebenezer.”
Tricky stopped worrying about his own troubles. Ebb had been away sick for nearly a month and he missed him greatly.
“’e ain’t dead, is ’e?” Tricky felt cold and slumped into the chair behind him. Ebb had been his best friend since the day they met.
Glyn shook his head.
“Not yet, but there is now little hope. He has asked to see you and Lucy Williams before he passes.”
“’as you ’ad a proper ’ealer see ’im?” Tricky demanded. Lucy had left the school weeks before Ebb. Despite Ebb’s apparent infatuation or possibly because of it, Tricky had little time for the Welsh girl.
Glyn was finding the boy’s questions a little irritating.
“Of course we have had Healers see him. He is an important asset and we would not let him die without trying all we could. We took a Grade 1 healer away from Buckingham Palace and he could do nothing.”
“’ave you let Tom see ’im. Tom’s better than all your other ’ealers put t’gether.”
Glyn sighed. He had known the boy would ask that question even though Carter was only a Grade 2 Healer at best. Ebenezer had demanded the same. Why they believed he was special was beyond him.
“Lieutenant Carter is out of the country on assignment. I made a request to Military Magic and they informed me he was unavailable. They would not even indicate which continent he was on.”
Tricky nodded as if he was satisfied. It was clear that the Headmaster would be of no use. He would have to get Tom
Glenna Vance, Tom Lacalamita