Revenge Sex
all your dates,
tell them I don’t cut it in bed so you have to find someone
    She frowned. “Oh, sweetie.” Then she
sinuously rolled to her knees. “It’s not like that. But sometimes
those other men need a little building up.”
    She didn’t understand at all. The other man
was just a vehicle to make sex hotter for them , an outside
force that brought them satisfaction. Instead, she
disrespected him in order to build them up.
    He wondered if his ex-wife had been right all
along, that what he wanted was impossible.
    “Oh come on, honey baby,” Ruby cajoled. “Come
and do me. I sucked his cock. You can smell him all over me.” She
ran her hands up her abdomen, plumped her breasts. Then she looked
at his crotch. “I can see you want it.”
    He was still hard, but his cock and his brain
were two different entities. “ I’m going to
finish my workout.” Or perhaps he’d go to work for a while, read a few financial reports and get himself
straightened out.
    She tipped her head. “You’re not really mad,
are you?”
    “ Mad isn’t the right word.” He simply
had his head screwed on backwards, and he needed some time away
from her to figure out what was wrong. Because on the face of it,
she was only doing what he’d told her to, adding spice to his
    He just wasn’t sure what kind of spice he
wanted anymore.
    * * * * *
    Going home to shower and change would have
meant a drive in the opposite direction. Since she’d put on fresh
running clothes this morning, Jessica decided to forget it.
Besides, it was Saturday, and West Coast would be empty.
    When she arrived, though the front parking
lot was empty, the alarm had been turned off. She cocked her head,
but didn’t hear anything. Maybe the cleaners had forgotten to arm
it. That was a big no-no.
    She climbed the stairs, turned the corner to
her office, and smacked right into a big, hard male body.
    Her blood began to hum. Clay. He smelled like
fresh workout sweat, not bad, but sexy, and very male. Jessica
swallowed. Her fantasies. Vince. God, she hadn’t even showered. She
could still smell his come on her, and his taste lingered on her
    Then she looked up, up, up, meeting Clay’s
stare. He held a coffee cup aloft. Presumably he’d almost spilled
it when she ran into him. Steam and a rich aroma rose from it. His
eyes were darker than their usual hazel, and his nostrils flared as
if he was sniffing her.
    “What are you doing here, Jessica?” His voice
was deep, edgy, like she’d committed a crime.
    He hadn’t backed off much from the initial
bump into her, and his proximity made her head feel muzzy. She
searched for an adequate answer. “Those questions you had. I wanted
to check on them.”
    “That can wait till Monday,” he said in a low
growl that didn’t match his words.
    “I wasn’t doing anything else today.” Except
screwing Vince. It suddenly became hard to swallow, difficult even
to think. He smelled so good. Her skin was flushed from sex, her
body wet. And ready.
    “You should have better things to do on a
    She resisted the urge to lick her lips. There
was something different in his gaze, not his usual impersonal
expression. “Nothing better,” she said, feeling like she was saying
something else, that he was, too.
    Then suddenly he stepped aside. “I’ll let you
get to it. There’s fresh coffee.”
    “Okay. Thanks.” She had her office key out,
but didn’t move. He skirted round her and headed to his office.
    Her heart pounded in her chest as she let out
a long breath. The way he’d looked at if he could eat her.
As if he was suddenly, inexplicably feeling all the things for her
that she’d felt about him for years. Her hands were shaking; she
needed coffee. Back in her office, she set the mug on the desk, but
after only a few moments, her feet moved, heading out again. She
couldn’t resist, couldn’t stop herself. She was an idiot.
    He stood on the other side of his

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