Revenge Wears Rubies

Revenge Wears Rubies by Renee Bernard Read Free Book Online

Book: Revenge Wears Rubies by Renee Bernard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Renee Bernard
wasn’t sure what to do. Mr. Hawke was looking at her again, with an intensity that made her feel vulnerable and conversely powerful at the same time.
    Thankfully, Herbert was blissfully unaware of the cross-currents in the conversation. “Just so! Lucky for me I know how to swim!”
    “Mrs. Shaw was saying that you wished to widen your circles while in Town,” Galen said.
    “Indeed, yes! Mr. Bascombe has been very accommodating, but a man can never have too many friends in London,” Herbert agreed, and Haley marveled that she alone seemed to feel a growing sense of alarm at how easily Mr. Hawke maneuvered everything. She’d been about to retreat and congratulate herself on escaping relatively unscathed. She’d been about to laud her own good moral character for not making any direct comparisons between the broad-shouldered handsome Hawke and her diminutive and somewhat doughy fiancé. She’d been about to vow never to see the mysterious and dangerous Mr. Hawke ever again and—
    “I’ll make some arrangements and ensure that you have social calls and invitations enough to make this Season . . . extremely memorable.” Galen’s smile was diabolical as he bowed to signal his intention to withdraw.
    “How generous! Yes, thank you, Mr. Hawke! That would be lovely for Miss Moreland, and much appreciated.” Herbert beamed.
    “Too generous!” Haley finally found her voice. “I wouldn’t want to impose . . . and you hardly know us to—”
    “Haley!” Aunt Alice’s shocked whisper ended the argument. She turned to Mr. Hawke. “Introductions in country society are harder to come by, you can imagine, and my niece is not yet used to the faster pace of London. But we are overjoyed to discover such an easy welcome in Town and such a kind mentor.”
    Haley did her best to recover what dignity she could after her aunt’s hinting that she was some country bumpkin overwhelmed by town courtesies. She attempted a smile. “Yes, overjoyed, Mr. Hawke. And since it is, as you say, no imposition, then please . . .”
    “I’m flattered. And I hope to see you again soon, Miss Moreland.” He inclined his head in a polite nod before turning away and disappearing into the crush.
    Mrs. Bianca sighed. “With his family connections, you could be dining with duchesses before the month is out, my dears! What a perfect gentleman he is!”
    Haley’s instinct was to argue the point of Mr. Hawke’s gentlemanly perfection, but she knew better. Herbert was beside himself at the “happy turns” the party had taken, and Haley wasn’t about to spoil his evening with hysterical suspicions about a stranger’s generosity. I’m being too sensitive, perhaps. It could all be innocent, the coincidence of running into him hiding in the shadows and then learning that he’d been seeking an introduction. He couldn’t possibly have known that I would try to get away from the party up there! And there’s nothing sinister in offering to make a few social connections on our behalf. . . .
    Except there’d been nothing innocent in his looks, or the wicked smile that had lit up his eyes when he’d made his offer. He’d ignored everyone else and spoken as if they were alone, even with Herbert at her side. Haley instinctively knew that if Mr. Galen Hawke had anything to do with it, she would be seeing a great deal more of him in the next few weeks.
    And it would happen with Mr. Herbert Trumble’s happiest permission.

Chapter 3

    Galen avoided his host on the way out, artfully sidestepping the polite bids from others for his attention or for conversation. Instead, he went directly to the main foyer and summoned a servant for his coat and hat and was gone before Bascombe or his political cronies could delay him.
    His mind was reeling from the unexpected twists and turns in his first attempt to meet the object of his vengeful plan.
    Miss Haley Moreland was quite different from the woman he’d anticipated.
    In fact, he’d been so sure of his

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