Robin's Reward (Bonita Creek Trilogy Book 1)

Robin's Reward (Bonita Creek Trilogy Book 1) by June McCrary Jacobs Read Free Book Online

Book: Robin's Reward (Bonita Creek Trilogy Book 1) by June McCrary Jacobs Read Free Book Online
Authors: June McCrary Jacobs
effort to change the path of their conversation. Grateful she didn’t appear to notice his brusque change of subject, Jeff had to work to remain focused on Robin’s bubbly dialogue. His thoughts kept shifting away from her entertaining chatter to settle on the true reason he was temporarily living here in Bonita Creek.
    The rest of the evening continued in a blur for Jeff. He had a taste of seven or eight different batches of chili. Most of them were flavorful, but the glob of beans, spices, and meat was now resting in his stomach like a lead weight. He marked each cook-off ballot with care, but he was relieved when the evening’s winner was announced and he was free to leave.
    “That was fun,” Robin said with a grin.
    “Yeah, or something,” Jeff replied. “I need to stop by the store for some antacid. I’ve got a major stomach ache. Are we still on for tomorrow at eight?”
    “If you feel better. I understand if you aren’t up to working in the yard.”
    Jeff dismissed her thoughts with a wave of his hand. “I’ll be fine. See you at eight then.”
    “Sometimes ginger ale helps, too.”
    “Ginger ale. I drink it when my stomach is upset.”
    “Yeah, okay, thanks.” Jeff nodded before turning toward the drug store.
    Oh, man. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that my stomach is in knots because of her job as the town’s librarian and my job as the forensic accountant sent here to investigate the library’s operations and finances. I need more than ginger ale and antacid to get rid of this stomach ache.

    Chapter 6

    As he walked home Jeff shook his head in disgust. He was attracted to Robin Bennett—Bonita Creek’s Librarian—plain and simple. She was obviously hiding behind a wall of hurt feelings and deep pain, most likely caused by a failed relationship. He stopped abruptly.
    Am I willing to invest the time and energy it’ll take to get to know her better? That could cause a conflict of interest involving my position with Mr. Brownstein.
    A conflict of interest was a major concern. He definitely didn’t want to lose his job. Would his actions cause irreparable damage to his status with his employer? He compromised by deciding he’d have breakfast with Robin, help her with the yard work, and then literally say ‘goodbye’ before they got more deeply involved.
    He decided it would be best to notify his ever-vigilant employer of this new development in Bonita Creek. It would be awkward if his boss found out somehow his employee had seen Robin Bennett socially. If Mr. Brownstein didn’t approve of Jeff’s seeing her socially tomorrow, he’d cancel even if he might seem rude in Robin’s eyes.
    He slammed the door on his way into the house. Wanting to get this whole thing over with so he might possibly enjoy the rest of his day, he pulled his phone from his pocket and scrolled down to Mr. Brownstein’s direct line. He pushed the call button and waited for his boss to answer.
    After three rings his boss answered with a terse, “Stan Brownstein here.”
    “Sir, this is Jeff Clarke calling from Bonita Creek, California.”
    “Hello, Jeff. How’s it going with your assignment?”
    “I’ve run into a bit of a possible snag I want to discuss with you. I’ve met the librarian here. We ran into each other last weekend, and spent some time together before I realized who she is. We have plans to spend Saturday morning together.”
    “Sounds promising,” Brownstein said, sounding happier about it than Jeff expected. “I like it. Get her to trust you. It’ll give you an opportunity to get all the information we need for our professional purposes.”
    “Mr. Brownstein, I like this woman. I mean I seriously like her. She’s a nice lady who’s committed to her job and the library. I strongly believe I should withdraw from this assignment. I don’t feel comfortable using my acquaintance with Miss Bennett to gather information which may destroy her position with the library

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