Roman Holiday: The Adventure Continues

Roman Holiday: The Adventure Continues by Ruthie Knox Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Roman Holiday: The Adventure Continues by Ruthie Knox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ruthie Knox
and it caught and came unstuck, pulling her damp hair straight to lie on the pillow. Roman threw the shirt off the side of the bed and kicked the covers down with his feet until they fell off the end.
    Their mouths met as he came over her.
    Soft. Soft and warm, testing angles and pressures, opening and fitting, refitting, learning what a kiss felt like when it wasn’t an excuse or an attempt at anything. When it was just two people, kissing because they wanted to be kissing. Two bodies pressed together, all their wanting taking this shape now, finally, taking them over.
    Her eyelids got heavy, desire a drug that stole through her and made her movements slow and liquid. When she closed her eyes, Roman shifted above her, taking his weight on his elbows, his fingertips gently cradling her head. She thought, fleetingly, of the dream she’d had of him, back in Florida. His dark body against her pale one, their fumbling attempt to get his clothes off, get a condom on him, get him inside her. The panicked intensity of it so different from this easy, sensual unraveling.
    Different in every way from every other time, every other person, every other encounter with Roman.
    You have me
, he’d told her earlier, in the tree.
    I’m yours
was what he’d meant.
    His surrender.
    Hers, too.
    No games, no roles, no spike of adrenaline. No rush, no fumbling, no pretense.
    Just kissing and what came after it. Tasting mint on his tongue, licking over his full lips, their bodies bumping together and moving apart, her hands ranging up and down his back, his smooth skin, the dip at the base of his spine, the bunched muscles of his ass. He rose up onto one hand so he could touch her with the other, stroking down from her neck to her shoulder, shaping her breast, thumbing her nipple, then following the slight slope from her waist to her hip. She raised her knee, dragging her foot up the bed, and he hooked his thumb behind it and pressed it flat, spreading her open and aligning his erection with her swollen lips to slide back and forth, coating himself in her wetness.
    He glanced over her clit, and she gasped into his mouth. “Roman.”
    That made him smile his blinding smile, the dimple she’d glimpsed once emerging from hiding. Even in the almost-dark, she could see that his smile was genuine and deep, crinkling at his temples. She studied the shadow of his stubble and touched a small indented scar on his forehead she’d never noticed before. All this evidence of his humanity, right there where she’d have seen it if she looked.
    “Did you want something, or was that another one of those ‘just Roman’ Romans?” He slid his erection over her again, enticement and tease, and she dug her nails into his back as the movement drenched her clit in pleasure so rich and intense, it took her a second to recover.
    Okay, three seconds. Five, tops.
    Roman used the delay to move against her again, watching her face, and then again, this time coordinating his thrust with another press of his thumb against her nipple.
    “No,” she said, breathless.
    “No what?”
    He urged her other knee wide, and her hips lifted because she wanted him inside her but she could come like this if he kept working her nipple and easing over her clit, each firm slippery stroke winding her a little tighter.
    If he kept looking at her, his eyes intent, avidly gathering every scrap of evidence of what he did to her.
    “No idea,” she admitted. Not the first clue, not about anything, but for the first time it didn’t seem to matter. This thing with Roman—maybe this was the point. Maybe it meant something, or would lead her somewhere, or—
    Roman smirked. He’d twisted her nipple between his fingers and thrust
harder that time.
    “You looked like you were wandering,” he said.
    “Can’t have that.” She pulled him closer and kissed him, because it was that or smile, and clearly he shouldn’t be able to tease her this way. She’d have to do

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