Roman Holiday: The Adventure Continues

Roman Holiday: The Adventure Continues by Ruthie Knox Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Roman Holiday: The Adventure Continues by Ruthie Knox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ruthie Knox
something about it. Soon. Soon, God, if he’d just keep gliding over her that way … Ashley closed her eyes, pulling her mouth from his. She lifted into each slide, arching her body to meet him.
    “Oh,” she said on the next one.
    “You’re going to come.”
    “Shh. You’ll scare it away.”
    He grinned. “Are you always this easy?”
    “Shh, shh, shh.” She dug her nails into his butt and pulled him in, closer, harder—oh,
    “What do you like when you come?” His voice was low and hungry, full of a smug enjoyment that shouldn’t have made her hotter. “You want me to suck your nipple? Bite your neck? Or, if you want, I could put my mouth—”
    “Kiss me,” she demanded, too far gone to think about all his options or the sweetness of being offered this multiple-choice set of earnest possibilities, too close to think because she was winding up, tipping over,
. She kissed him hard until she couldn’t because she was clenching tight, contracting around nothing but the hot, sweet pain of his cock moving over her clit and the feel of him, the smell of him, everything.
    He grunted in the middle of it, or groaned, she didn’t know what to call the noise he made except
, and it launched her orgasm onto this whole different plane from great to fucking insane, this evidence of his enjoyment, his stupefied pleasure in giving her pleasure. She came long and hard and really really good, and Roman eased her through it, attentive but not pushy, as though someone had earlier given him a list of the fifteen things he could do to spoil her orgasm and he’d diligently memorized it so he could avoid them without apparent effort.
    She spun down, her whole body loose, her hands lightly stroking his back, and he kissed her again and said, “That was nice.”
    “Nicer for me than for you, I bet.”
    “Probably. But it was pretty great on my end, too. Fucking hot.”
    She laughed. It came out a snort. Ashley covered her mouth with her hand, and Roman kind of collapsed onto her. “Very attractive.”
    She started giggling helplessly.
    “Do it some more,” he urged. “Are you ticklish after you come?” He grazed his fingers over her ribs, and she tried to squirm away but there was nowhere to go. He was much bigger than her, plus she really didn’t want to go anywhere when he was pinning her in place so nicely.
    “Oh, you
ticklish. Sweet. What about this?” He bit her ear, breathed hot into it, and she shrieked.
    Roman kissed her neck. He kissed his way to her breasts. Ashley quit laughing when he licked over her nipple, and by the time he’d finished licking and started sucking she was moaning again, and he was everywhere. His tongue flattened her stiff nipple against the roof of his mouth, working it. His fingers found her clit, dipping lower, pressing inside her. He released her breast only to claim the other one, muttering right before his mouth closed over it, “There’s so many things I want to do to you, I hardly know where to start.”
    He lifted his head, his lids at half-mast. She watched as he flicked his tongue back and forth over the flesh he’d just softened, bringing it to an aching peak all over again. “What?”
    “Do you have a condom?”
    “Sure. I left one by the light, didn’t you see it?”
    Ashley twisted onto her stomach and reached across the bed to the table lamp, regretting the loss of his fingers and his mouth but too impatient to wait for him to get around to retrieving the package himself. She fumbled, frustrated because she wanted to fuck now, wanted Roman inside her, but she couldn’t find the stupid condom until he lay over her and reached past her hand, saying, “Right here.”
    Ashley collapsed, euphoric and exhausted and a little bit dizzy, only to find herself in a new and interesting alignment. Roman was still reaching out, turning on the lamp with a quiet
, his chest pressed against her shoulder, knees straddling

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