Rumors and Promises

Rumors and Promises by Kathleen Rouser Read Free Book Online

Book: Rumors and Promises by Kathleen Rouser Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathleen Rouser
much. Do you want to talk about it?”
    “No!” He spun around and gripped her elbows until he saw fear in her eyes. “Don’t you understand? You can’t help.” The haunting thoughts wouldn’t let go.
    “Ian, I-I only wanted to comfort you.”
    Did he see pity in Maggie’s eyes? How little of a man must she think he was becoming?
    “I’m so sorry. You didn’t do anything wrong.” He hugged Maggie tight and swallowed a sob, desperate to contain his emotions.
    “I just hate to see you suffer like this,” she said, sniffling.
    There could be little comfort when Ian knew he had failed God and a member of his flock, a precious lamb entrusted to his care. Was he even worthy of such a task?
    “I guess I never really told you why I left that church to come here. I wanted to be in a smaller town like Stone Creek, to start over.” He paused. “And forget.” It wasn’t just another call. Ian also wanted to prove to himself that somehow he was truly capable of his charge.
    “He that is in you is greater than he that is in the world.” Maggie pulled away but held each of his hands firmly in hers. “Little brother …” She stared up at him with tears rolling down her cheeks. “You’re already forgiven. Remember that.”
    Ian’s jaw tightened. He could only force himself to nod. He knew in his heart that she spoke the truth, not chastising him as she often did, but with tenderness. When he managed to speak, all he could utter was, “Thank you.”
    Perhaps he had let Annie down, but never again. Maybe it was why God had sent Sophie and Caira Biddle to Ian. After all, God had proven throughout scripture to be the God of second chances.

    W hen Esther learned Sophie needed buttons a few days later, she gave her some from an old waistcoat of her dear departed husband. Sophie was grateful for a fine set of brass buttons to use, especially since they were for the Reverend McCormick. Now she could repay him more fully for his support. She polished the buttons until they shone and mended the rip with tiny even stitches, barely detectable to the naked eye. She was thankful that Esther had given her the afternoon off.
    When finished, she pressed, folded, and then wrapped the garment in brown paper. Sophie’s fingers shook, frustrating her attempt to tie a string around the package. The thought of speaking with tall, handsome gentlemen, several years her senior, seemed to affect her that way… but Reverend McCormick seemed kind. He didn’t look or behave like the one who betrayed her. Was he truly worthy of her trust?
    “Going somewhere?” James interrupted Sophie’s thoughts.
    “Oh! Good afternoon, Mr. Cooper. I’m getting ready to deliver a package to the parsonage.”
    “I’m going in that general direction. I’d be happy to walk with you as far as the corner of Bradford, near the parsonage.”
    “Why not?” At least she would be sure of where she was going with James to ask for specific directions.
    After Sophie donned her shawl and helped Caira with her feed sack coat, they headed out the door. James lifted Caira into his arms.
    “No, no. I’m quite capable of carrying her myself,” Sophie insisted.
    “At least let me be a gentleman and carry your package.”
    “Very well, then.”
    The two exchanged bundles, but not before Caira had made a grab at James’ mustache. “What dat?”
    “My mustache.” The young man ran a thumb and forefinger over his thin, poorly grown whiskers as though he were quite proud of them.
    “Sorry about that. Caira hasn’t had an opportunity to be around men much without … a father around.” Sophie shook her head. No doubt the sparse growth was James’ attempt at appearing older and more businesslike. So much like her brother, Paul.
    “No offense taken.” He chuckled.
    They continued their walk in silence for several minutes.
    “Penny for your thoughts.”
    “I was just thinking of how much you remind me of … someone … I once knew.” Sophie pressed

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