Run: A Post Apocalyptic Thriller

Run: A Post Apocalyptic Thriller by Rich Restucci Read Free Book Online

Book: Run: A Post Apocalyptic Thriller by Rich Restucci Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rich Restucci
Tags: Zombies
fence, complete with razor wire at the top. The lot had about sixty cars in various states of repair. The newer models were toward the front of the lot, while the clunkers were off to the side and back. There was a narrow, two-story building that housed offices at the back of the lot. Next to that was a beat-up four car garage, also with a second story. The lot looked like it hadn’t been open in a few days, and even better, it looked devoid of infected. Dallas drove the garbage truck up to the gate. There were no infected coming for them, but they would be here soon enough, as the big diesel truck made quite a racket. Rick jumped out of the truck, carefully looking around for infected. Dallas jumped out too, and looked at the thick chain locking the gate. He went to the side of the truck and opened a panel. He came back in a few seconds with some bolt cutters, and was through the lock in five seconds.
    “Fifty dollar chain and a two dollar lock,” Dallas rolled his eyes, “Stupid.” The gate was a roll type, and they both rolled it to the left so the truck could get in. Chris drove the truck on to the lot, and Rick closed the gate. Dallas took the chain and wrapped it around the gate poles a few times, finishing it in a chain-knot. “Should keep ‘em out unless they go right for the chain.”
    Dallas and Rick climbed back in the truck, Chris sliding to the middle seat again. “You’re gonna stay in the truck and watch Sam.” Rick said to Chris. “Call me on this,” Rick said as he fished a small radio out of his duffle and handed it over, “if you see any of them climbing the fence, or if there are any inside that we didn’t see.”  
    “Or if there’s more than fifty that show up,” added Dallas. “Don’t want them too thick at the gate when we try to leave.” 
    Dallas turned the truck around so that the front of it was facing the gate, and then he backed the vehicle as close to the office as he could. Rows of used vehicles were stretched out closer to the office, there was a ten foot walking path, but the truck could go no further back. 
    “I’m on channel six,” Rick told Chris, “Chris is gonna watch you for a minute, kiddo,” he said to Sam. “Be good and do what he says.”
    Sam nodded and held her stuffed tiger tight, “CarefulDaddy.”
    Rick handed Dallas the SPAS-12, and he grabbed the AR-15. They both hopped out of the truck, and Rick slung the rifle over his shoulder. He pulled out his Taurus, and they both walked the last 100 feet or so to the building, checking behind each row of crappy cars as they went. Rick looked right, and Dallas left. “I think that Durango will do nicely,” said Rick pointing to a blue Dodge. “I even like the color.” The SUV had a LIKE NEW sign on it, and it was priced at $8995. 
    “Might wanna grab the Hummer there, chief,” Dallas said pointing back toward the front of the lot. A shiny yellow Hummer was sitting in the early morning sun. It had tinted windows, and the sun gleamed off the chrome on the rear bumper and mirrors. The vehicle was on one of those display ramps, with the nose of the SUV pointing at a 45 degree angle. 
    “Didn’t see that pulling in, damn that’s nice.” 
    “Some cop there, Sherlock,” chided Dallas, “Biggest damn thing out here next to my trash truck.” 
    Rick smiled and they continued toward the office. “How old are they?” Dallas asked. 
    “Your kids, how old?”  
    “Kids?” asked Rick, confused. “Oh, Chris isn’t my son; I just met him last night. Sam is eight. Chris lives above me, he’s a computer tech guy or something.” 
    “Huh. Thought he was about seventeen, go figure.”
    “Uh oh...” Dallas said as they neared the front doors. It was a double door set up, and there was a blood smear across the left glass door, the right door was smashed in. The first ten feet inside of the office was illuminated by the doors, and a few windows, but towards the back, it was nothing

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