Running Scarred

Running Scarred by Jackie Williams Read Free Book Online

Book: Running Scarred by Jackie Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jackie Williams
friends. I grew up with them all, they all looked after me when our parents died. I needed them so much then, and now I’m in a position to do something about it, I can return the favour. It’s obvious you have no concern for them at all.”
    He leaned forwards, ignoring his roiling stomach as he tried to take her hand, gripping it tightly, desperate to placate her.
    “Ellen, how can you say that? Of course I feel for them, I’m not totally insensitive, but they signed up for this type of thing. They signed their lives away when they joined up so I don’t see why I should feel that sorry for them. Let the government pay for it. It doesn’t have to be you. You’re going to spend all your money on this daft, sentimental project and get nothing back. It doesn’t make any sense.”
    She sighed deeply. Always the same. Money, money, money. No feeling for her or for David and his friends. She pulled her hand out of his over tight, sweaty grasp.
    “It may not make sense to you, but it does to me. Nobody signs up to have half their body ripped off Justin. None of them sign up to be disfigured by revolting, burning chemicals that some crazy war lord thinks are a necessity to keep his drug route open. I’ve put enough money away to live comfortably for the rest of my life and so I can spend the rest on other people if I want to.” Her voice suddenly hardened. “And I think I’ve spent enough on you. While you were preoccupied in the loo last night, I came to a decision. I’m going to sign the Spain thing over to you completely. A million pounds worth of property Justin. Think of it! All for you. I don’t want anything to do with those apartments any longer, I never wanted them in the first place and…I definitely don’t want anything more to do with you either. We’re finished. I think the properties will be a good enough settlement for you, especially as, in law, I don’t think I have to do anything at all for you.” She stood up and moved towards the door.
    He suddenly noticed her travelling case standing outside the wardrobe and, realizing at last that she was serious, began to pull the covers out of his way. His panic made his stomach roil even more.
    “You decided all this just because I was drunk last night? You can’t do this to me Ellen. We’ve been together for years. Don’t I have a say in anything?” He stumbled, naked, out of the bed, but she opened the room door and stepped through into the corridor.
    “You’ve had plenty of say Justin. Now it’s my turn. The room’s paid up until the weekend. After that, it’ll be down to you. Bye.”
    He scrabbled at the covers, trying to drag them around his body as she turned her back on him. She closed the door firmly behind her, leaving him standing, open mouthed in the bedroom, unable to quite believe his ears.
    The feeling of release, as she marched towards the lift, was unlike anything she had ever experienced before. Even when she and David had found out that they were to inherit over thirty million pounds each, and that they would never have to worry about money again, she had only felt a little out of her depth and slightly euphoric for a few weeks.
    This feeling was entirely different. She wanted to clip her heels as she rode down in the lift. She wanted to shout, Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! To anyone who would listen to her. She giggled as she descended to the ground floor. She could hardly wait to telephone her brother and tell him she was free.
    She said her goodbyes to the staff on duty, promising them that her early departure was none of their faults and assuring them that she would return soon. She walked out to the huge four by four that Justin had insisted they hire, and hoisted herself in. For a moment she felt slightly guilty at leaving him without transport, but then she shrugged. A rental company would deliver a car to the hotel if he rang them. She wondered what type of vehicle it would be, seeing that he would now be paying for it

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