children of 103
Kitchener, General Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl 183, 186–7, 188, 189, 259, 450, 455, 483
Kittur 277
Koh-i-Noor diamond 201–2
Kookas 289
Koregaum, battle (1818) 297–8
Korgah xxviii
La Forte (French frigate) 109
La Martinière establishments, for orphans 440
HMS La Sibylle 109
Lady Moira’s Orphanage, Calcutta 489
Lahore 61, 139
railway station 27
Lake, Major 321
Lake, Major Edward 206
Lake, General Gerard Lake, 1st Viscount 55, 183–4, 276, 297, 314, 321, 335–6, 387, 388
Lakshmi Bai, Rani of Jhansi 78–9
lal bazaars 480–1
Lal Singh 63, 66
Lambrecht, Lieutenant 106
Lang, Lieutenant Arthur Moffat 77, 148, 207, 242, 295, 296, 351, 410–11, 462
Langlands, Lieutenant 312
languages, local, study of 175–6, 272
Laswari, battle (1803) 55, 184, 297, 314, 321
Latin jokes of British India 60, 78
Latter, Captain Thomas 215
Lauder, Captain R. R. 400
Lawrence, Lieutenant General Sir George 200, 201, 203, 461
Lawrence, Major General Sir Henry xxx, 64, 66, 193, 198, 200, 201, 202, 208, 209, 295, 301, 461
defence of Lucknow and action at Chinhut (1857) 75, 201, 329–31, 390, 391
Lawrence, Lady Honoria 494
Lawrence, Sir John Lawrence, 1st Baron [Viceroy, 1863–68] 75, 200–1, 209, 210, 211, 330, 461
Lawrence, Major General Stringer 182, 257
Lawrence, Sir Walter xxiii, xxvi, 290, 492–3, 500
Le Mesurier, Major 134–5, 166, 172, 173–4, 270, 351, 375
leadership, courageous 316, 319–21
leave regulations 488
Leigh, William 305
Lendrum, Captain J. V. 361
Lennox, Lieutenant 242
Leonard, Quartermaster Sergeant Godfrey 238
Lhasa, Tibet 87
lieutenant colonels 219, 220, 224, 253, 254, 272
lieutenants 219, 266
Lindsay, Colonel 404
lock hospitals 480
Longworth, Captain 12
looting 274, 278–84, 317
Lord, Dr 320
‘Low Europeans’ 146–7
Low, Major General Sir John 70, 71, 191–2, 240–1, 250, 488
Low, Malcolm 213–14
Luard, Lieutenant John 97
Lucan, Lieutenant James 310
Lucknow 81, 274
climate 32, 34
in the Mutiny (1857)
siege 75, 150, 172, 201, 301, 326, 338, 390–6, 466–7, 475
relief 75, 78, 335, 347, 362
looting 279–90, 281, 284, 317
Ludhiana 142
Lumsden, Colonel Harry 203–4, 210–12
Lyall, Alfred 81
Lyons, Captain John 237
Lytton, Lady Edith 181
Lytton, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Earl of [Viceroy, 1876–80] 82, 86, 181
Macan, Lieutenant Thomas 474
McBean, Lieutenant William, VC 361–2
McCabe, Captain Bernard 14–15, 249–50, 394
McCaskill, Major General 321
McFall, Captain Crawford 127, 165
McGovern, Private John, VC 235
MacGregor, Major General Sir Charles 112, 113, 193, 230–1, 241, 247–8, 251, 319, 323, 326–7, 335, 352, 361, 362, 497, 498
in Second Afghan War 228, 270, 315. 372, 399. 432
MacGregor, Edward 248
MacGregor, Frances Mary (née Durand) 497–8
McGuire, Sergeant J., VC 235
Mackenzie, Captain Alfred R. D. 206–7, 296, 349, 422
Mackenzie, Colin 493
Mackenzie, Helen 142, 493
Mackeson, Frederick 202, 203
Macleod, Lieutenant 378
McMath, Captain 174
MacMurdo, Lieutenant 309, 319
Macnaghten, Sir William 56, 58, 200
MacNamara, Corporal 235
McPherson, Captain Hamish McGregor 438
Madras 45, 46, 115–18
society in 151
Madras Army 254
Madras Club 157
Maharajpore, battle (1843) 61, 257–8, 333, 342
Mahdipore, battle (1817) 55
Mahoney, Sergeant Patrick, VC 235, 345
Maidstone (East Indiaman) 92
Maitland, Lieutenant General Sir Peregrine 458
Maiwand, battle (1880) 86, 315, 344, 354–6, 359
majors 253, 272
Malakand campaign (1896–97) 86–7
malaria 257, 475
Malcolm, Sir John 191
mansabari system 40–1
mansabdars 40–1
Mansell, Elizabeth 105–6
Mansfield, Major General 293
Maratha artillery 333
Maratha service
Arab mercenaries in 312
British in 41, 304, 305, 307–9, 310, 440
Maratha Wars
First (1777–82) 55
Second (1803–05) 55, 308
Battles: [Wellesley] (1) Ahmednagar (2) Assaye (3) Argaum; [Lake] (1) Aligarh (2) Delhi (3) Laswari (4) Bhurtpore
Third (1816–19) 55