Samantha Steel is...The Spy Who Did Me--The First Coming   A Samantha Steel Erotic Thriller
well done. “Agent Trevor, I know this was a long,
stressful assignment. You and Agent Rand should be proud of
    “Thank you, sir.” answered Agent Tom
    The handsome stranger now approached me,
sitting on the couch. I took in his stature. He filled the room
with a powerful presence that couldn't be ignored. He took my
hand...not shaking it, but holding it.
    “Samantha Steel, my name is General Hank
Gibbons. I run a very private division of the government known as
the GESS Agency. I'm very happy to see that you're well. You have
no need to fear me...we're both on the same side. In fact, you and
I are made from the same mold.”
    I quickly looked at Jessie, who nodded at me.
Then I went back to looking at him...staring at him. It seemed that
General Gibbons didn't just run the GESS Agency...he was one of
them. Us.
    I became aware that I was staring at the
General the way people stare at awe.
    I was also aware of how incredibly attracted
I was to him.

    We were sitting in the back of a black
limousine, speeding along Highway 50.
    Fifteen minutes ago, I was packing some
essentials into a suitcase, carefully being watched by an agent of
GESS. He wasn't one of us superhumans, or whatever you wanted to
call us. Just a regular agent, with a really big gun bulging from a
chest holster. I packed quickly...not wanting to upset General
Gibbons. Or the guy with the gun.
    I still couldn't take my eyes off the
General, who sat across from me in the limo. His air of confidence
was amazingly attractive. I noticed Jessie ogling him also, as she
sat next to me. I'm happy to say that Tom Trevor was not with us.
Thank God.
    There was a fourth person in the rear of the
car with us...a very beautiful woman sat next to the General,
across from Jessie. I had not yet had the pleasure of being
introduced to her. She also had an air of power and confidence
about her. She wasn't old, but had long, wavy blonde-white hair,
which fell behind her back like a waterfall. Her sleek eyebrows
matched the color of her hair, perhaps a shade darker, above dark,
brown feline eyes, and her skin reminded me of porcelain. Soft,
creamy. Her thick lips becoming high cheekbones. She was stunning
in her beauty...seemingly regal. She reminded me of Marilyn
    No doubt about it...she was one of us.
    The General had been on his cell phone ever
since we entered the air conditioned cabin of the limousine. Other
than his constant speech, the rest of us sat silently. I tried to
ponder my fate, but my mind...kept going back to Hank
Gibbons. He was far older than I was, but that didn't keep me from
watching him, thinking of him...fantasizing about him.
    I almost drifted off in a fantasy...the
General and I, in the rear of this limo alone, stripping off each
others clothes, his body against mine...his lips on my nipples, my
hand at his crotch...but the fantasy was interrupted by the General
himself, closing his cellphone with a snap, clearing his throat to
gain everyone's attention.
    “Ladies...Phase one of our project is now
completed. As silly as this may sound, Miss Steel has matured in to
womanhood, and should be physically and emotionally ready to enter
the second phase of the project...schooling and training. But
before we do that, I'm afraid, Miss Steel, you're going to have to
undergo some rigorous testing.” said the General.
    I did not like the sound of that.
    The General addressed me. “Miss Steel, you
are perhaps one of the most amazing human beings on the planet.
Before we move forward with the next phase of your life, we have to
know what we're dealing with; therefore, the testing. I'm sure you
have a million and one questions, and many of the tests we put you
through will answer some of those questions.”
    I nodded, not sure what to say or do. I did
love that he kept calling me Miss Steel.
    The General continued. “Miss Steel, to my
right is Renee Clousseau, who will be taking over the

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