Sanctuary: A Postapocalyptic Novel (The New World Series)

Sanctuary: A Postapocalyptic Novel (The New World Series) by G. Michael Hopf Read Free Book Online

Book: Sanctuary: A Postapocalyptic Novel (The New World Series) by G. Michael Hopf Read Free Book Online
Authors: G. Michael Hopf
untouched. What you have experienced here has happened across the entire nation. Many cities have fallen into chaos. I haven’t embellished or misrepresented those facts.”
    “How can we trust you?” a voice called from the room.
    Barone put his hand up, gesturing for patience, and continued, “I’m not going to bullshit you anymore. I’ll tell you everything. If you want us to leave, we will do that, but let me explain myself first.” He was prepared to handle the consequences and he now felt that if he was able to present his case to the people, he’d win. When he and his group had arrived, the towns of Coos Bay and North Bend were faring well, considering the circumstances, but they were not without challenges. What his group offered them was security and hope. He knew he had leverage just by threatening to leave.
    Crosstalk and chatter began to rise in volume.
    Roger Timms stood and faced the group. “The colonel has proved to be helpful to our communities, and I say we hear him out. We can convene later about this. Let’s show him the respect he deserves.” He turned back toward Barone. “Go ahead, colonel.”
    “Thank you, Roger,” Barone said with a slight smile on his face. He then began to explain everything, starting from when he was first informed of the attacks while he was stationed in Afghanistan. From there, he took them to the shores of Southern California and described what his men discovered there. He went into the conversations he’d had with leadership elements of the United States, including his conversation with Conner. He left nothing out, except what happened in Salem and in Portland. He knew that would not fit into the narrative he was creating. He wanted to showcase himself as a leader who was willing to buck the system to protect his family and other Americans at the risk of losing it all. When he brought up the choice to come to Coos Bay, he emphasized that there were other places outside the United States they had looked at but it was his devotion to America that made him settle there. He finished his lengthy monologue by saying, “I appreciate you all listening while I droned on. My people and I want nothing more than to continue working together to make a new place to call home. We have something to offer, and you have something to offer. We need each other in order to survive this, so please keep this in mind when you all meet later.”
    Most in the room nodded when he finished. Roger stood again and said, “Ladies and gentlemen, let’s meet at the Coos Bay City Hall to discuss this.”
    Everyone stood up and left. A few walked up to Barone and shook his hand.
    With the room vacant except for Barone, Simpson, and Roger Timms, Roger took the moment to say something to Barone personally.
    “Colonel, thank you for your candor and honesty. I wish you had been honest with us from the beginning, but now, having heard what you went through, I can understand why you weren’t. I wanted to again express gratitude for all of the support you’ve shown us here. Regardless of what happened in the past, I want to continue our partnership. I’ll do whatever I can to make sure this is managed properly.”
    “Thank you, Roger. It’s good to know that I have a friend here.”
    “You do,” Roger said, then put out his hand. They shook, and Roger turned and left.
    When the door shut Barone turned to Simpson and asked, “So, Top, what do ya think?”
    “I wish you would have told me you were going to tell the truth. I don’t know where this goes from here. I don’t think they’ll tell us to leave, but if they do, I don’t think we can just pack up and go without having issues within our ranks again. A lot of our men have found a place to call home.”
    “You’re right. This isn’t easy. We have assimilated quite well—that’s why we have to make this work,” Barone said, pulling up a chair to the table where Simpson was sitting.
    “Top, you’re a good observer. Out of that

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