Saved by Sweet Alien Box Set

Saved by Sweet Alien Box Set by Selena Bedford, Mia Perry Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Saved by Sweet Alien Box Set by Selena Bedford, Mia Perry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Selena Bedford, Mia Perry
we’re going
to search the other side of the valley.”
    I try so hard to hold me
tears.  “Thank you, Auzo.”  I look at the soldiers, “Thank you, everyone.”
    We head back as quickly as
possible.  More than once, the horses slip as they gingerly make their way down
the slope. 
    Suddenly an idea flashes through
my mind.  I turn back to Auzo, “Wait, Auzo, I think we missed something.”
    “You mean… my guys didn’t
search the area thoroughly?”
    “Oh, no.  I didn’t mean
that.  They did a perfect job for sure.  But I’m thinking that maybe we should
also search the other side of the hill.”
    “You mean the cliff ?”
    I know what Auzo means.  This
is his home.  He must know that the cliff is super steep.  And I saw that,
too.  But…
    I think for a few more
moments, trying to picture what I saw.  “Auzo, I remember one thing.”
    “What?” He holds the rein. 
The horse stops.
    “I got off the wreckage and
rolled down a deep slope right away.  I don’t remember climbing over a hill
    “You mean…?” he looks at me
and then smashes his head, “Fuck, we missed one place.  Let’s go back.”
    Soon, we reach the top
again.  The horses are all wet with sweat. 
    “Follow me.”  He waves his
hand.  Then he turns back to me, “You stay right here .”
    “It’s too fucking dangerous.”
    “Why do you think it’s too
dangerous for me, not for you?” I challenge him.
    He looks at me for a moment
or two and then gives me a tiny smile.  “Okay, come.  But don’t leave my side.”
    We inch over the top of the
ridge carefully, looking down the valley.  Soon, we see a small plateau, the
area finally evening out a bit.  “There,” Auzo points.
    I see a small pile of snow
higher than the rest.  It was at a small platform, close to a huge cave.  “Is
that the wreckage?”
    “I’m sure it’s something new. 
Let’s go check.”
    He leads the way down to the
spot.  The ground is extremely slippery.  He holds my hand tight and moves
    Soon, I’m sweating from the
exertion. But I bite my lips and keep moving.
    After God knows how long,
we’re on the plateau.  
    The soldiers begin to remove
the snow with their shields.  Soon, I hear a shield hitting metal.
    Thank God.  I close my eyes
and pray.
    The soldiers are moving super
fast now.  Soon, the wreckage appears right in front of our eyes. 
    “Hey, Darcy! It’s me, girls…”
I push the snow away with the soldiers, calling.
    The crack on the top appears.  
To my surprise, a huge piece of the hull has been ripped off.  It’s now a huge
    What happened?  Why did the
girls do that?  Without the coverage, they would have been frozen soon.
    God, this is no fucking
    “Darcy, Darcy!” I almost cry.
    A few soldiers jump into the
hole and keep digging.  The snow flies out.
    Soon, they walk along the
hull and disappear into the darkness.
    My heart is thumping.  Are
the girls still alive?
    Gosh, why didn’t I hear
anything from inside?
    Are they all… dead?
    Soon, they come out, dragging
a few bodies.
    Oh, my gosh!
    I look.  But Darcy is not
among them.
    I see the two dead aliens, now
all naked.
    And I see the girls who were
killed during the crash.  Their bodies are covered with blood.
    But I don’t see any other
    I look at Auzo.
    “I’m sorry to see what
happened, Leila,” he hugs me lightly.
    “But Auzo, there should be a
lot more.”
    “You serious?”
    “Yeah.  These are the ones we
lost during the fight. There are way more girls.  But none of them are here.
They’re missing!”
    “Search again,” Auzo gives
the order right away.
    A few more soldiers come in. 
After a while, they come back with no dead body.
    “We searched every square inch
of the hull,” a leader reports to Auzo.
    “Thank you!”  Auzo nods to them. 
Then he turns back to me, “Sorry, Leila.”
    “But why?” I look at him.
    He thinks for a few moments

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