Saving Her Angel (Archangels)
evil, though—a demon breaking into his house to cook was beyond ridiculous. Still, he cautiously made his way down the hallways leading to the least-used room in his home. He eased the swinging door open slowly and froze at the sight of Eleanor at the stove.
    Eleanor .
    Shit. He’d forgotten all about her again.
    As she stirred the contents of the shining metal pot, she hummed and chuckled to herself. The urge to dive into her surface thoughts brought him up short—that wasn’t something he’d allow himself to do.
    Gaze wandering around the kitchen, he wondered what she thought of it. He had a decent set of dishes and utensils that were brand new. The pots and pans were spotless and top-rated items, but the pantry and cabinets were bare. Luckily his refrigerator and freezer held a few staples for when his brothers and sisters-in-law visited.
    Eleanor suddenly stopped humming and released a sigh filled with disappointment.
    “What’s wrong?” Cam asked from behind her.
    She yelped and jumped, dropping the spoon she was using onto the pristine tile floor. “Crap.”
    He grinned and picked it up. “Got it. I’ll get you a clean one.”
    “Thanks. You startled me.”
    “Sorry.” He dropped the dirty spoon into the sink and opened a drawer, then closed it and opened another. He spent a couple of minutes going through his kitchen before finding another utensil for her to stir the stew.
    She chuckled. “I guess you don’t come in here much, huh?”
    Sheepishly, he chuckled and shrugged. “My sister-in-law is the only one who cooks when she comes by. I usually just eat out.”
    He grabbed a paper towel and cleaned the spot left on the floor from the fallen spoon. “I didn’t think I had much food in the house.” He leaned over to peer into the pot. “Whatcha making?”
    “Beef stew. At least, I’m pretty sure it’s beef. The writing on the butcher paper was kind of illegible. I found it in the freezer.”
    “Yeah, I’m sure it’s beef. Asta doesn’t eat much else.”
    “Your sister-in-law?”
    “Well, thank her when you talk to her next. I was starving before I realized you were too engrossed in your maps to notice I was staring you down.”
    Everything in him stilled. “You were watching me?”
    “Only for about five minutes. You were mumbling to yourself and seemed really into it, so I didn’t want to bother you.”
    Equal parts annoyance and anger at himself filled him, and he turned away to hide his expression. “I’m sorry, I didn’t even think about feeding you. I’m glad you found your way to the kitchen.”
    She smirked. “Me, too.”
    He felt like an ass. An oblivious ass. How could she have gotten close enough to watch him without him even feeling her in the same room? And why in the hell did he keep forgetting about her? It was strange. He prided himself on being one of the most caring of his brothers. He usually took notice of the humans around him, and Eleanor was the human most often around him.
    Maybe that was it. Maybe he’d somehow grown immune to her presence? He remembered the book he had found about similar occurrences and decided he needed to finish reading it.
    As he mulled it over, he set about the task of getting bowls and utensils for their meal. Then he searched for something to drink. “Um…I have beer and water.”
    She flashed another pretty smile at him. Like her hair, it was something he really hadn’t paid much attention to the last four years.
    How could he have remained so oblivious to her for so long? Unfortunately, he was no longer oblivious, and this was probably the worst time for him to start noticing her, now that he was leaving his life as Dr. Maxwell behind. Especially with the new threat of multiple portals trying to open all over the continent.
    She interrupted his thoughts. “I’ll take ice water, please.”
    “All right.”
    The beer he’d grabbed for himself went back into the fridge, and he got two glasses of ice water

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