Saving Her Angel (Archangels)
instead. He set them on the large, granite-topped island that dominated the center of the huge kitchen. When he’d originally built the house, there had been no electricity or running water. The space had been made to accommodate servants doing the daily routine of feeding a houseful of people. True, he’d never really had a houseful of humans who’d need to eat, but he’d liked the idea of being able to accommodate them if necessary. Then, once electricity and indoor plumbing came about, he’d upgraded everything. Just ten years ago he’d upgraded again to make the kitchen one that would rival any professional chef’s dream. Asta certainly loved it and baked enough to feed an army every time she visited. He looked around at the stainless-steel appliances and professional-grade cookware and wondered what Eleanor thought of it.
    “Since you’ll be here for a couple of days, we can run into town in the morning and get some groceries,” he said.
    “Is that safe? I can survive on whatever you have.”
    He fought to keep his surprise from his face. He’d already known she was relatively low-maintenance, unless he messed with her filing system, but it still surprised him.
    “One of my brothers is on his way up here already, so he can go with us if that will make you feel better.”
    At her smile, his breath caught.
    “It will.”
    When she went back to stirring the stew he breathed easy again. What the hell was wrong with him all of a sudden? They had worked shoulder to shoulder on occasion, and he’d never reacted this way to her before. Was it because she was no longer technically his employee?
    “I hope there’s enough for him, too. Is he a big eater like you are?” she asked.
    That threw him, until he remembered they were talking about his brother. He had to stifle a laugh. “Yeah, we all are. My brothers and I. But we can both make do. Anyway, since we’re going to the store, we can pick up snacks, too.”
    Though the angels didn’t actually need to eat, they all enjoyed human food immensely. It wasn’t unusual for them to overindulge a bit. Especially on Asta’s baked goods.
    “Good, because I’m hungry and don’t plan to let you hog all of it.”
    He chuckled and was happy to see her smile hadn’t faded.
    She spooned stew into their bowls, and they sat at the island to eat, which is where he always sat when he did eat here, rather than at the small wooden table near the bay window a few feet away. The window faced the backyard and had a picturesque view, but he usually ate too fast to enjoy it. This time he ate slowly and did enjoy the view, but it was of the woman sitting beside him.
    “So, which brother is coming by?” she asked.
    “Sel. He’ll be here soon.”
    “Ah. He’s the one I met last year, right? Just before Christmas? He was there this morning, too, along with Uriel and Michael.”
    “Yeah. He, Uri, and Mike were there this morning. Why do you always say their full names?”
    Her gaze met his, and she blinked a couple of times, a habit he realized she always did when thinking. “Um… I don’t know. I just like the way their full names sound when compared to the shorter version.”
    “But not mine?”
    She set her spoon down and tapped her chin with one finger. “Camael. I do like it, but I’m so used to calling you Cam now. That’s what you’ve always told me to call you.”
    When she returned to eating, he followed suit, while stealing glances at her. She was so proper and dainty, her head barely reached his shoulder, and her slender build gave her a fragile appearance. It also made her seem nonexistent sometimes, and he hated to admit he often forgot her presence in the office. Luckily, she’d never seemed to notice. But she was always there when he needed her help with the day-to-day needs of a human marriage counselor. She had run his office like a well-oiled machine, and he wondered what he would’ve done without her.
    “So, you think this threat will be over in a

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