Savior Part 2: Son of Eden (The Savior Series)

Savior Part 2: Son of Eden (The Savior Series) by A. King Bradley Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Savior Part 2: Son of Eden (The Savior Series) by A. King Bradley Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. King Bradley
where we kept the prisoners. She was the brightest and most compassionate person that I had ever met which is why I still can’t come to grips with the fact that she was persuaded by The Righteous to betray us.”
    I was silent for a few moments as I took it all in. To be honest, the information was a bit overwhelming and I didn’t know how to react to it all—especially the part about my mother working with The Righteous.
    “I don’t believe it. You’re trying to manipulate me,” I finally said.
    “Why would I do that, Reaper? We’re all on the same side—”
    “You’re always trying to manipulate me! I think you’re lying,” I continued as I narrowed my eyes and studied his stony face.
    “You asked for it, dammit!” Wells barked, his face suddenly twisting into an angry scowl as he glared at me. “You asked me to tell you the truth, and I did! So, don’t you dare disrespect the hundreds of men that died on that day just because the truth wasn’t the fairy tale you thought it would be!”
    “But why? Why would she do it?” I asked, still not able to accept the idea of my biological mother being a traitor.
    “Because The Righteous is a master manipulator. It’s as simple as that, kid. Just look at what he did to your brother. Look at what he’s doing to this world,” Wells said solemnly. “He’s hell bent on destroying us, Reaper, and the sad truth is… we may not have enough time to stop him.”
    “What do you mean?” I asked.
    “We’re up against a pretty definitive time table. I was going to fill you in later, once we were able to zero in on His location, but I guess there’s no use waiting anymore, is there?” Wells said before taking a short pause to gather his thoughts. “We have a secret base on the dark side of the moon that has what’s called a master wormhole generator. We used to use it to communicate with our allies in the Andromeda Galaxy. When your mother helped The Righteous escape, she used the generator to send a distress signal to the Anokians back in the Andromeda Galaxy. Until that point, the location of the Equillian Federation’s prison here on Earth was a secret, but now that the cat is out of the bag, it’s only a matter of time before our space is invaded by an entire fleet of Anokian starships. Their ships are capable of traveling at nearly 150,000 times the speed of light. Even at that speed it would take quite a bit of time to make the three million light-year journey to Earth but I have it on pretty good authority that they set out for Earth nearly eighteen years ago. Our best guess says they could reach this galaxy within a matter of months.”
    “This doesn’t make any sense, Wells! I thought you said I could stop this? What in the hell am I supposed to do against an entire fleet of alien spaceships?! Can’t you call some of your allies from the other galaxy to help us out or something?”
    “Not any more. Our allies rely on wormhole technology for travel and communication from this distance. After your mother sent the distress signal to the Anokians, she somehow disabled the master wormhole generator in the moon base. Without it, intergalactic transportation and communication with our allies is impossible.”
    “Then it’s up to the people of Earth. We’ll just have to unite our militaries into one and fight them all together,” I suggested.
    “That’s not gonna happen, Sport. There’s too much bad blood between the nations of Earth to even dream of a unified front. It’s all a part of The Righteous’ plan. He’s got the rest of the world hating the U.S. because the U.S. is most powerful and now he’s got this country tearing itself apart as well.”
    “Then, how do we stop them?” I asked.
    “He’s not ready,” a deep raspy voice with a peculiar accent suddenly said from somewhere behind me.
    I quickly turned and noticed a large elderly man making his way toward Wells and me. He was wearing a dark blue hooded cloak with several

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