Saviour: A Devil's Spawn MC Novel (Savior Book 3)

Saviour: A Devil's Spawn MC Novel (Savior Book 3) by Natasha Thomas Read Free Book Online

Book: Saviour: A Devil's Spawn MC Novel (Savior Book 3) by Natasha Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natasha Thomas
all of them out on their asses. Don’t kid yourself thinking that it’s an unlikely scenario either because it’s happened before.
    Once when they all came to town for Thanksgiving the boys all got outrageously drunk, and started to argue over whether tits or ass was better. The argument escalated into a drunken wrestling match before all hell broke loose. Apparently Brody couldn’t chose when it came to me because in my case they were both equally as good as each other. He was borrowing trouble stirring Tank up and everyone including me knew it. But Tank took particular offence to his comments knocked him out cold, dragged his ass out on to the front porch, and threw all his stuff out with him.
    Needless to say I ended up having a house guest for the rest of his visit. Poor Brody. He apologised profusely for what he said, but the whole thing made me laugh. I honestly didn’t care that he said I have a nice rack or ass, I wasn’t offended in the slightest. I let him off the hook within five minutes and spent the rest of his time with me catching up, eating too much, and laughing our asses off. Deciding to get it over with I reply to Reid in a way that I hope ends this most recent text session.
                  *Priss* Good. You need to catch up. See you soon. Talk when you get here.
    I send Tilly a text to warn her about the impending avalanche of Adams brothers, and also ask her to keep her schedule free for the next few days in case they want to catch up. I read the last text from Reid rolling my eyes again, and decide to shower before I have to make a start on the books for the MC owned strip club, Kitty Kat’s. Original right?
                  *Reid* Cnt w8 babe. C u soon.

    Priscilla’s Rules to live by 101
    “Going to McDonalds for a salad is like
    going to a prostitute for a hug.”
    I started doing the MC businesses books a little over eighteen-months ago, initially I was only doing it as favour to Phil, the MC’s Secretary. He was close to my dad and in turn me, so helping him was the least I could do after the years of love and support he’d given me. However it turned into a full-time gig when Phil politely informed Priest that he would prefer to douse himself in gasoline, strike a match, and set himself on fire than go back to doing that shit. I can’t disagree with his assessment, the books were a fucking mess when I started with them.
    It took me three and a half months to put them in order. That included two visits to each of the three businesses, which is usually isn’t necessary in my line of work. Actually if I think about it, its four businesses if you include Skin Fusion which Reaper asked me to cover on top of the others. Normally I don’t mind going in to pick up the receipts, invoices, and ledgers at three of the four. Well its three businesses, but if I’m fighting with Tank it’s two because he part owns Chasers and there’s no way I’d go in there if we’re on the outs. What I do mind immensely is having to go to Kitty Kat’s. Ever. Hence the two or three, not four.
    Kitty Kat’s is the MC’s strip club, and if Phil could see to it that he sets himself on fire while inside it I’ll appreciate the favour greatly. We can call it even after that. Yes, I hate it that much that I’d be willing to see it burn to the ground. The fact it’s a strip club doesn’t bother me. In fact I’m currently teaching a class at the gym on pole dancing so clearly I don’t have an aversion to it. If anything, I see it as an art form if it’s done well, which more often than not it isn’t. It takes a massive amount of upper body strength along with precision movements to be able to hoist your ass up and down that pole day in day out.
    It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Lou was the one who ultimately suggested starting up these classes. She is a nut after all. We were having drinks at my place after Lou finished

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