Say It With Sequins: The Rumba: HarperImpulse Contemporary Romance Novella

Say It With Sequins: The Rumba: HarperImpulse Contemporary Romance Novella by Georgia Hill Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Say It With Sequins: The Rumba: HarperImpulse Contemporary Romance Novella by Georgia Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Georgia Hill
held onto her more firmly. “I’ll come and give you and Jan a hand if you like,” he said smiling down at her, his green eyes glowing. “Apart from one or two show dances, I’ll have plenty of free time. Maybe I can help you and Harri with your rumba, too?”
    Julia thought of his presence in the training room, calming Jan and encouraging her. “Oh, yes please!” she said with more warmth than she meant to. “That’s
want I need!”
    Harri watched them over Casey’s shoulder, as the girl hung limpet-like onto him. He scowled. So, that was the way it was. A shaft of jealousy speared his middle causing actual physical pain.
    “Larry! We practise tomorrow. Nine on the spot!” Eva’s voice irritated his ear.
    “It’s Harri,” he muttered yet again, “and it’s on the dot, not on the spot.” He shrugged Casey off and went to congratulate Suni, keeping one eye on Julia and Daniel, still standing with their arms entwined.
    Fuck these impossible restrictions imposed on his career. He’d have to make a move soon, or lose Julia. He’d just have to chance it. He just hoped it wasn’t too late.
    Step Seven.
    The rehearsal wasn’t going well.
    Daniel had kept his promise and had come in to help practise the rumba with Julia and Harri. Jan and Eva were in the studio next door and, at first, Julia thought this would mean a more relaxed session – she was even looking forward to it. But she was wrong. Harri was tense and wasn’t taking kindly to Daniel’s suggestions. He seemed more reluctant to let go than ever and it was making the dance seem stiff. Even Julia could see it.
    “Let me show you,” Daniel said finally, after the third run through. He took Julia into the beginning hold and backed her gently down until she was almost touching the floor with her head.
    “See, you have to make love to her, caress her.” At this, Daniel held her with one arm and rubbed his hand electrifyingly down over Julia’s breastbone.
    Julia let out a startled yelp – Daniel’s hand was hot and perilously near her breasts.
    He lifted her up slightly and pulled her to him until they were nose to nose. His green eyes were mesmerising. “You never break contact, do you see Harri? You’re always connected physically or, most importantly, emotionally. You’ve got to make the audience believe you’re in love with this woman. And don’t rush through it, take your time, linger over her.”
    Daniel pulled a disorientated Julia back to her feet and left her side. “You have a go.” He placed Harri and Julia close together, far closer than they’d ever been.
    Julia stared into Harri’s dark eyes and willed her sympathy over to him; he must be finding this excruciatingly embarrassing. She was so close to him that she could feel his breath hot on her face; it smelled of toothpaste. She felt his strong arm come round her back and it seemed to burn right through her ballet top.
    “Right, good, that’s better.” Daniel’s calm and encouraging voice broke into the moment. “Now, back her down. Julia, you have to trust him like you trusted me, he’s just as strong, he’s not going to drop you. Release her hand now Harri and take yours down her body, that’s it.”
    Julia could feel the muscles in Harri’s arm tense against her back.
    “Look at him Julia, don’t let him break that contact.”
    Julia did as she was told and was held in a spell cast by the warmth in Harri’s brown eyes, he’d never ever looked at her in quite that way before.
    “Now take your hand Harri and stroke it slowly down her. No use your whole hand, flatten the palm out.”
    Julia felt Harri’s hand sear her body and felt it tremble slightly. And then, because she couldn’t help it, because it was too much like bliss, she let her head arch back in ecstasy. Desire pulsed through her. She heard him whisper something in Welsh and let the husky words caress her – just as his hand was caressing her body from breast, over her stomach, to the where

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