Scarlett's Temptation

Scarlett's Temptation by Michelle Hughes Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Scarlett's Temptation by Michelle Hughes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Hughes
slightly and allowed his thumbs to run over the soft silkiness of her hands.  He felt the tremors and hoped his smile would put her a little more at ease.  The look of fear in those hazel eyes of hers excited him and had him aching to walk her down to the dungeon.
    "T-thank y-you," she whispered not sure what she was really supposed to say to him and her throat felt so parched she could barely talk at the moment.
    He smiled at her nervousness and led her over to the small leather couch, pulling her down to sit with him, not once letting go of her hands.  He had this uncanny feeling that if he let go, she might just stand up and run.  This was definitely unchartered territory for him.  "Did you and Janie find time to talk about this today?"  He knew before they could discuss anything he had to put her at ease.  She was strung so tight he felt she would snap at any moment.
    Flushing deeper she lowered her eyes and nodded.  She was totally out of her element at the moment and her heart was pounding so loudly she wondered if he could hear it.  Fidgeting in her seat, she felt the need to get up and pace and was trying to stop herself from getting up.
    "Scarlett, remember what I told you last night?  I need you to speak to me, and look at me right now."  His voice was commanding because it was very apparent that she was terrified.  While he knew how to deal with a submissive's fear when they belonged to him, she had yet to agree to anything so he was sort of at an impasse.
    Her eyes lifted to his and she tried to control her breathing.  "D-do you think I c-could get a glass of w-water?"  The whole breathing thing wasn't really working out for her at the moment and if he wanted her to talk to him, she had to get rid of this dry mouth that was getting worse by the second.
    He chuckled softly at her request, let go of her hands, and stood up. "I think I might be able to manage that, sit tight and I'll be right back."  He considered buzzing his servant but he knew instinctively that she needed a few minutes to get herself under control so he left her alone and made his way down to the kitchen.  He filled a glass with ice and pulled a bottle of water from the refrigerator. He thought about offering her something stronger, since it was apparent she needed it, but he wanted her focused on what they were going to discuss tonight.  He never mixed alcohol with a scene but he had no intention tonight on doing anything other than talking.  They had many things to discuss.  He walked back upstairs, and for the first time he was somewhat unsure of how to start a discussion.
    Scarlett stood up and paced the study, trying to get her nerves to calm down. She reasoned with herself that this was just a meeting, and that if she didn't stop freaking out, it was probably going to be over before it started.  What if he wanted to have sex with her tonight, she worried her lower lip?  What if he didn't, that thought didn't sit well with her either? 
    She had no idea just what he wanted from her and not knowing making her a nervous wreck.  When he walked back in the room she blurted the first thing that came to her mind.  "Are you going to touch me tonight?"  She covered her mouth with her hand at her brazen question and bit down on her lip hard. 
    He chuckled deeply and held out the glass of water.  "Well I'm glad you found your voice sweetheart," he smiled as she took the drink and took a deep sip, "why don't we sit back down and talk about it."  He had been expecting to have to coax her to open up, it was very refreshing that she blurted out exactly what she wanted to know. 
    She took another sip of water, surprised that she was able to hold it since her hands were still shaking.  She had no idea where her courage had come from, but outside of being embarrassed for being so vocal she felt a little less nervous.  "Sorry," she whispered as she sat back down on the couch.
    He joined her and his long arm splayed over the back of

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