Scarlett's Temptation

Scarlett's Temptation by Michelle Hughes Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Scarlett's Temptation by Michelle Hughes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Hughes
Janie's attitude.  It was like a switch had been flipped as she was now the one in control, she would have to analyze that later she decided as Janie led her into the bathroom and started applying her makeup.
    Twenty minutes later she was staring back at a stranger in her bathroom mirror.  The makeup wasn't overly done, it was just perfect, and there was no other way she could describe it.  Her lips were outlined in a deep chocolate and then filled with a soft shimmering brown.  It made them look even fuller than they normally were.  Janie had applied a charcoal color to her eyes and outlined them perfectly making them stand out.  Her cheeks were dusted with a soft peach, and she hoped it would help cover the blush that seemed to refuse to leave her face tonight.
    "Grab your purse Scarlett, I'm driving you to the mansion."   Janie felt a little jealous that Rhett was going to initiate her best friend into their world, but she wasn't about to bring that up with her tonight.
    "You're taking me?"  She had just assumed she'd be driving herself.
    "Safety first Scarlett, even though I know Rhett and trust him, you never meet a new Dom without a safety net."  She grabbed her purse and ushered Scarlett out the door.
    Scarlett couldn't talk as they drove her nerves were strung to tightly.  She was more than grateful that Janie seemed to understand that and kept her eyes on the road not trying to make conversation.  When they pulled up in his driveway she felt her stomach tense in fear again. "Janie, I don't know if I can do this."  She turned haunted eyes to her friend as she put the car in park.
    "Scarlett, your cell phones in your purse, you can do this and you will call me in one hour to tell me you're okay, understand."  Janie leaned over the console and kissed her cheek.  "Now get your ass in there and talk to the man."  Pulling back she smiled as Scarlett opened up the door and stepped out.  "Don't forget to call me in an hour Scarlett, if you don't I'll be here with David pounding down the door."
    Scarlett felt like she was going to be sick her stomach lurched hard.  She managed a feeble nod as she shut the door and forced herself to walk up the stairs.  Taking a deep breath she rang the doorbell, and waved timidly at Janie.  She had never been so nervous or excited before.

    chapter Four
    Learning Curve
    The same butler answered the door from the party and she smiled nervously, feeling like her entire mouth was full of cotton.  Tugging down on her dress she walked through the door as he held it open.  She was glad he didn't speak because she knew she couldn't have opened her mouth at that moment if her life depended on it.  When he shut the door behind her she had a strange urge to turn around and walk back out the same way she walked in.  Instead she followed him as he led her stoically up a long flight of stairs and stopped in front of the same study she had been in last night.  He opened the door without speaking and she walked inside.
    Rhett stood as she entered the room and his eyes widened at the delectable sight she made standing there trembling like a virgin sacrifice.  "That will be all Edwin," he dismissed the servant and walked over to the angelic creature that he hoped would soon be under his command.  He waited until the servant had shut the door behind him before reaching out his hands to her.
    He was so damn beautiful she thought as she held out her trembling hands to him.  She swallowed convulsively as she allowed her gaze to roam over his wide chest and strong arms encased in a white dress shirt.  He wore dark gray slacks and looked like he'd just taken off his tie and walked in from a business meeting.  When her eyes finally met his dark blue depths she could read the humor there and blushed deeply.  The feel of his large hands swallowing her smaller ones felt strangely comforting and she trembled more.
    "I'm glad you decided to meet with me tonight, Scarlett," he smiled

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