Scent of Magic

Scent of Magic by Lori L. Clark Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Scent of Magic by Lori L. Clark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lori L. Clark
    The crowd dispersed like cockroaches after the lights are turned on in the middle of the night.
    Beatrice cowered on the floor, hugging her knees to her chest. Tears flowed down her cheeks, and she had a trickle of blood smeared at the corner of her mouth. Mr. Eriksen, the Gym teacher, reached his hand out and helped her to her feet.
    Starley blinked when she saw who Mr. Eriksen was. He wore a shiny golden crown and a cape of some sort. She glanced around, half expecting to see the white horse he'd ridden in on when he came to Beatrice's rescue.
    Rue elbowed Starley. "Close your mouth and stop gawking."
    Starley clicked her teeth together and shook her head to clear her thoughts. "Prince freaking Charming."
    "Come on, can we finish our lunch now?" Rue asked.
    Starley ignored Rue and went toward Beatrice. Starley handed her a business card from The Perfumery. "I'm Starley Duchesne. Come to this store after school today. You should meet my sisters."
    Starley didn't give Beatrice a chance to respond before she turned on her heels and went back to the cafeteria.
    "I know you meant well, but to stick your nose in that situation would have been social suicide," Rue said to Starley.
    "So, what, I'm just supposed to stand around and watch them torment her that way and not do anything?" said Starley.
    "You're creative, Starley. I'm sure you'll think of some way to help Beatrice without painting a big bullseye on your back," Rue said.
    A faint smile crossed Starley's face. Isn't that why she'd handed Beatrice the business card? Juliette and Francesca would know how to fix the problem, and no one would suspect a thing. "I'm on it."
    "By the way, if one of your sisters could maybe do something to Elise Garner and those skanky friends of hers, I'd be totally all for it," Rue said.
    Starley chuckled. "Francesca always says there's no need for revenge. We just have to sit back and wait, and those that hurt you will eventually screw up all by themselves. If you're lucky, you'll get to watch."
    After school, Starley ran home to take care of Poe and Larry. She put on her rollerblades and headed off toward The Perfumery.
    "What's on your mind, Starley?" Juliette asked as soon as she noticed Starley's pinched forehead.
    "Today, at school," Starley started. She sat down on the counter and tugged off her skates, exchanging them for her running shoes. "I stood by and watched some girls bully another girl until she was in tears, and I didn't do anything to help her."
    "Oh, that isn't good," Francesca said.
    Starley hopped down from the counter and began to pace the shop. "I know. I started to help, but Rue warned me to mind my own business, she said if butted in, those girls would turn on me, and I'd be as bad off as Beatrice -- the girl they were picking on."
    "She was probably right," Juliette said.
    "I know, but that doesn't make it any easier," Starley said with a sigh. "I gave her a business card for The Perfumery and invited her to come in."
    Francesca tapped an ink pen against her lips. She did that when she thought. "I've never helped a victim of bullying before."
    Starley scowled. "But you will, right?"
    "I think what Francesca is trying to say is that she's not a hundred percent sure there's anything we can do for her," Juliette said.
    "There must be something," said Starley. "If we don't do anything to help, then we're no better than the girls who do the actual bullying."
    "Now, if you could ge t   the m   to come in..." Juliette said. Her eyes sparkled with mischief.
    "Juliette," Francesca cautioned. "Do not encourage her. You know yourself that Karma's a wicked foe."
    "There has to be a way we can help," Juliette said draping her arm over Starley's shoulders. "Don't give up Squirt. We'll figure something out."
    In spite of Juliette's words of encouragement, Starley still felt defeated.
    "So, if you didn't stop the bullies, who did?" Francesca asked.
    Starley pushed her glasses up and smiled. "Prince Charming, of

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