Seal All Exits (Tangled Web #3)

Seal All Exits (Tangled Web #3) by Jade C. Jamison Read Free Book Online

Book: Seal All Exits (Tangled Web #3) by Jade C. Jamison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jade C. Jamison
all knew the rules to charades.  A lot of people said they did but then when pressed for details, most of them admitted that they couldn’t remember the nitty gritty, so Katie gave them a quick rundown.  Then Riley said, “Girls against guys.”
    Erin said, “That’s not exactly fair, Riley.  There’s four of us and…”—she darted her eyes around the room—“six of you.”
    “Well, you’re always telling me how women are so much smarter than men.”  Erin raised her eyebrows but didn’t say a word.  Riley started laughing and shrugged.  “Fine.  However you want to do it.”
    Katie said, “No, we can do that.  We are smart enough.”
    Johnny leaned back against the couch.  The look on his face indicated he was staying out of it.
    That was what Kiefer wanted.  None of them were serious about the competition.  The banter amongst them was light and playful, and he had no doubt that each one of these couples would head to their rooms tonight and engage in killer sex.  There was an aching loneliness inside him, one he’d never told any of his bandmates about, one he didn’t talk about and tried to deny, but it was there and it was heavy.  And, as much as he enjoyed spending time with his friends, moments like these merely punctuated the yearning.
    The girl named Kory asked, “Why don’t we have one guy on our side?  That will make it even.”
    Sage sat up on the edge of the couch.  “What?  You want the biggest pussy?”
    Katie frowned.  “No.  She just wants it even.  Think of it instead as your harem .”
    Sage grinned at that and nodded.  “I’m cool with that.”
    Kory spoke again.  “So how do we pick the guy?”
    “I thought it was decided.  Guy with the biggest balls is man enough to control all you women.”  Sage laughed and then ducked as if one of the women were going to roundhouse him with a balled-up fist.
    Instead, Johnny said, “So Riley then.”
    Everyone laughed, including Sage, and then Katie took off the lid of the Monopoly box still on the coffee table and lifted the game board to fetch out one of the dice.  “We’ll roll for it.”  Smiling, she pointed to each one of the men, starting with the guy right behind her sitting on the couch.  “One,” she said, indicating Johnny, and she continued until she ended with Kiefer, making him number six.  “Got it?” she asked.  She looked at Kory.  “Why don’t you roll?  And whatever number you get?  That’s the guy on our side.”
    Kory looked at Stone.  “Come on, three!”  Stone looked like he could care less where he sat, but he smiled at his girlfriend just the same.  But when the die stopped rolling, there were four black dots facing up.
    Katie said, “It’s Sage anyway.”
    He winced.  “Oh, hell.  After sayin’ all that shit, you’re gonna devour me.”
    Erin raised her eyebrows.  “We’ll play nice.”  Her grin looked positively evil.
    “Uh, yeah.  Why do I already feel a knife in my spine?”
    Katie laughed.  “It’s not like we’re going to dress you up like big sisters do to their little brothers.”
    “Now there’s an idea.”  Erin giggled and then kissed Riley.  “So do we stay where we are or do we break up into teams?”
    Kiefer really didn’t care.  He felt kind of like an outsider during this game…just like he usually did with everything else.  Yeah, he got a shitload of attention as the lead singer of Shock Treatment, but it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.  As the frontman of the band, he was an object —an object of adoration, of lust, of idolatry, but he was often not treated like a human being at all.  More often than not, he felt empty and alone…even when surrounded by people.
    Just like he did now.
    But he put on a happy face.  He was good at that.  Always had been.  They wound up having fun, though, and even though he didn’t feel like he connected with anyone, at least he was able to relax.
    He really wanted to get Heather alone,

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