Seducing the Fireman (Risky Business)

Seducing the Fireman (Risky Business) by Jennifer Bonds Read Free Book Online

Book: Seducing the Fireman (Risky Business) by Jennifer Bonds Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Bonds
is going to require a demonstration, right?”
    “No, I—”
    “Dance with me.” Ignoring her protests, he grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet, wrapping her in his warmth. Holding her close, he raised their joined hands and brushed a kiss across her knuckles as he began swaying in silence, his body moving in time toa melody that existed only in his head.
    It was impossible to remember the last time she’d danced with a man, but that didn’t mean she wanted to do it with Jax. Far from it. Dancing with Jax spelled trouble. After all, wasn’t this how it all started before? If she was smart, she’d nip this thing in the bud. Stomp on his toes and send him packing.
    But he was a good dance partner, andit was actually kind of… nice .
    Following his lead, she gave herself over to the moment—it was just one harmless little dance—and enjoyed the press of his hard body against her own. His free hand slipped around her lower back, massaging the tired muscles and wearing down her defenses as he did magical things with those long fingers, kneading the tension from her with ease. He pulled her closer,the hard ridge of his erection pressed to her belly. He was long and thick, and he wanted her. The knowledge must’ve short-circuited her brain because the next thing she knew, her hips were pressed to his, their dance taking on a far more seductive edge.
    When she finally dared look up at him, she knew he meant to kiss her, knew she should stop it. But she couldn’t. She couldn’t walk awayfrom that kiss any more than she could stop the Earth from orbiting the sun. The pull was too great, her desire spiking as her body responded feverishly to his touch.
    Stretching up on her toes, she met him halfway, their lips crashing together with barely restrained passion. Like before, his lips were soft against hers, both pliant and commanding, a stark contrast to the calloused handsthat moved up her back and into her hair, twisting it without mercy as he drove the kiss deeper. His tongue skated across her lips, sending a very clear message about his intentions. When they finally pulled apart, her entire body was alive with sensation, a pleasant tingle circulating through her limbs.
    “You’re playing with fire, Becca. You have no idea how much restraint it’s taking forme not to toss you over my shoulder and take you to bed.” Jax paused, letting his words sink in. With his training, there wasn’t a doubt in her mind he could—and would—do it. He caressed her cheek, his fingers blazing a trail down the front of her shirt, coming to rest at the hollow between her breasts. Her nipples hardened in response to his touch, her chest rising and falling slowly as her bodyscreamed for more. “But I’m not going to do that. Not until you want me to. Because when I do? It’s going to be the best damn orgasm of your life. I’m going to lick this lush little body of yours until I know every inch of it as intimately as I know my own, and I’m not going to stop until you know what it means to come undone with a real man.”
    “A real man?” Did he still think she was somesilly girl, sitting around scribbling his name on her notebook? She wasn’t that person. Not anymore. And it pissed her off that even now, he insisted on treating her like a kid, incapable of making the right choices for herself. What would it take to prove she’d changed? “I’m a big girl, Jax.”
    To drive the point home, she slipped a hand between them, cupping his balls and massaging themthrough the soft fabric of his jeans.
    “Shortie.” The word was barely a rasp. Their eyes locked. They were riding a fine line, one it wouldn’t be easy to come back from, and they both knew it. But dammit, she wanted this. Needed it. The throbbing between her legs had reached a fever pitch, demanding she find out what it felt like to be licked from head to toe by a strong, sexy firefighterwho was quite literally the man of her dreams.
    So yeah, she was going for

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